Scars and Sentiment

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Title: Scars and Sentiment
Author(s): Mithen
Date(s): September 2015
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Scars and Sentiment

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Scars and Sentiment is a Avon/Blake story by Mithen.

The story was published in September 2015 by Aralias in Pride and Prejudice, a Blake's 7 zine.

Reactions and Reviews

Aww, what a fun fic! I laughed out loud several times. The joke about the lizards was very well executed, as were all of the moments of conflict over what each of them are actually like. I enjoyed Avon admitting that Blake is more coordinated, and also his distress at Blake possibly not believing that Avon will always stay with him. And I love the stuff about what what it's like for Blake after, to be in his own body but to know what that feels like to pace around the room in Avon's (all the stuff with Avon's scar was excellent). So glad you wrote this! [1]

hooray! great use of bodyswap for lols (the delight of the trope for me is peple pretending to be each other SO BADLY), but it's the unnecessarily regency planet that is the particular delight. for no reason they have to wear ridiculous clothes (i love it!) which they have to put on each other (i love it!) and dance (WHY NOT) and blake gets too drunk because he's used to being able to drink everything and tells avon he wants to sleep with him... beautiful.

.... a theme of the fic - the stuff where avon gets upset because blake seems to actually think he's going to leave is a really lovely moment, and a really good use of the pretending to be each other. avon being irritating is sort of obvious to play up (though fun), but this is a rather unexpected twist on that. it's clever, and a good lead into them being able to talk to each other more.

i quite like that the silly planet gets to save themselves too, after all of blake and avon's posturing. i'm sure B and A would have been able to save the planet too, and thesmelves (with orac's help), but they weren't needed.[2]

Nice go of it. Kudos for the Beau Brummel gag.[3]


  1. ^ comment by elviaprose at AO3
  2. ^ comment by Aralias at AO3
  3. ^ comment by Angus at AO3