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Title: Screaming
Author(s): Charlotte Frost
Date(s): 12/04/04
Length: 52k 30pgs
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Screaming is a Sentinel story by Charlotte Frost.

It has a sequel called Tremors.

Summary: "Jim and a traumatized Blair try to escape from a waking nightmare."

Author's Comments

One those God moments. After I had announced my retirement from fandom in November 2004, and that I would be posting five (final) new stories in December, I all of a sudden had a series of scenes playing out in my mind. I wrote the rough draft of this story within two days, which was some kind of record. I never reflected about what I wanted to write. I simply wrote the scenes that were going through my mind. That’s why the style and tone is different from most C Frost stories. I’ve come to be rather fond it, though I can’t take credit for it. As far as I’m concerned, God wrote it (for reasons I’m sure I’ll never know) and I was just a conduit. [1]
