Seducing Sandburg

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Seducing Sandburg
Author(s): Dolimir
Date(s): 2002
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Seducing Sandburg is a Sentinel story by Dolimir.

It was published in Come to Your Senses #22 and is online.

Summary: The police need to find Jack Kelso. Their only link, a grad student named Blair Sandburg. What's a smart police detective to do?

Reactions and Reviews

Check out who's watching who in this AU intriguing story, where nothing is as it seems. I really liked how competent Blair is, how he's barely squeaking by, but he's got so many angles covered that the reader can see for themselves that he's as clever and smart as we've been told to believe. Rafe also comes across as a strong character, and it's an interesting contrast that Henri is doing the same exact job as Rafe, on stakeout duty watching grad student Blair Sandburg, and Henri's bored to tears and Rafe is fascinated by Blair's character. There's all kinds of layers of deception going on here, but also some truths that shine through those layers, making this a story you want to come back to and re-read. Which is what I've done for this rec.[1]


  1. ^ 2012 comments at Crack Van