Shane And Ryan Were Here

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Title: Shane And Ryan Were Here
Author(s): WhatWereMadeOf
Date(s): February 9, 2018
Length: 7.9k words
Genre(s): slash, science fiction
Fandom(s): BuzzFeed Unsolved
External Links: AO3

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Shane And Ryan Were Here is a Ryan Bergara/Shane Madej fic written by WhatWereMadeOf and posted in February 2018.


“I’m...where are we? Did you just wake up? Are you okay? Jesus fucking Christ I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry Shane...”

When Shane didn’t reply, Ryan opened his eyes to see confusion on the other man’s face. He watched him lift a hand and point to his ear. He spoke slowly, and Ryan’s heart sank into his stomach when no sound came out.

“I can’t hear you.”

Or, Ryan and Shane get abducted and held captive by aliens. Maybe? Probably? There's some debate.

Derivative Works

In March of 2019, author QueenModthryth posted The Harrowing Abduction of Ryan Bergara and Shane Madej, a 17.9k-word fic inspired by WhatWereMadeOf's original.[1]

At least one work of fanart has been created for this fic.[2]
