Small Possibilities Series

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Title: Small Possibilities Series AKA KasySheki series
Author(s): NoDrogs
Date(s): 2005-2007
Fandom(s): Kim Possible
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Small Possibilities is a Kim Possible/Shego series by Nodrogs. The series introduced Kasy Ann & Sheki Go Possible, Kim and Shego's twin daughters.


After Drakken's latest plan results in Kim becoming pregnant with Shego's DNA, Shego choses the straight and narrow in order to remain in her daughters' lives. As the series progresses, Shego and Kim fall in love, become co-parents, and get married, all while Dr Drakken schemes against them from his prison cell. Later, they become agents at Global Justice, and have to squash a plot by a coalition of villains and their new leader, The Supremely Evil One.

As well as Kim/Shego, the story also features Ron/Monique which later grows to Ron/Monique/Yori.
