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Title: Soldered
Author(s): julesoh
Date(s): 21 December 2008
Length: 10,300 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: Soldered (merlin_the_elf)
Soldered (author's LJ)

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Soldered is a Merlin/Arthur story by julesoh (10,300 words). It was written for the Secret Santa gift exchange merlin_the_elf. Recipient was b_c_draygon.

Story Info

Merlin fell to the side, clutching at his leg in agony, and the blue sky dimmed and wavered in his vision, ice-white clouds mocking him as they swirled. He opened his mouth to cry out, but a name came to his lips instead, unbidden: unbidden: “Arthur.”

The story features a bond between Merlin and Arthur where Merlin can share Arthur's pain and injuries so that Arthur can continue to fight in a tournament he has to win. The bond is an exploration of the connection between Merlin and Arthur that was shown in episode 1.04 where Merlin unconsciously knew what was going on with Arthur and protected him from afar with his magic.

Recs and Reviews

Canon fic, taking place in a Season 1 setting, sometime after 1x09 Excalibur. It portrays a great connection between Merlin and Arthur, both magical and non-magical. Their relationship is subtle and tender and very canon. I adored Merlin's desperation to help Arthur and Arthur's pride and courage and determination not to let down his father. Absolutely lovely read.

marguerite-26, 2010 [1]


  1. ^ marguerite_26. Merlin Recs, 28 December 2010. (Accessed 29 December 2010)