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Title: Spark
Author(s): chilly_flame (Harriet)
Date(s): 2004
Length: 27,762 words
Genre(s): Femslash
Fandom(s): Law & Order: SVU
External Links: at

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Spark is a Law & Order: SVU story by chilly_flame (Harriet), focused on the pairing of Olivia Benson/Alexandra Cabot.

This is part of the Spark Trilogy: Spark, Hybird, and Synthesis.

Reactions and Reviews

I read this story when I was a very small, gay child and it is INSANELY good and has two sequels that I haven’t even read entirely yet (but I’m sure are equally excellent).[1]

Going by number of times I have read it compared to all other fic my all time #1 has to be by Harriet Olivia/Alex from SVU. There are two sequels that I love as well[2]

We all have a book or a story that we return to in times of trial, in times of sorrow and in times when we need a comfortable embrace of a good friend, The Spark Trilogy by chilly_flame is that story for me. When a book I’m reading does not pan out, when my week goes to hell in a hand basket, when I just need a touch of the safe and the familiar and of something that has never let me down – I turn to Spark, Hybrid and Synthesis, the three novellas that form the Spark Trilogy and that together rise to the word count of a full novel.

The beauty of Spark is that it explores a place in a romantic relationship of two truly beloved characters that a reader very rarely is privileged enough to experience. The author gives us a true gift in this series – that nebulous Happily Ever After that we only get promised in most stories but that we never see. Well, we see it here. In spades, in all its glorious Technicolor and Dolby Surround. What happened after Princess Charming awakens Snow White or how did Cinderella manage not to drive everyone insane in the castle with her habits of cleaning and organizing? We see it through the eyes of this couple.

We get to experience a Happily Ever After of two of TVs most beloved characters in one of the longest running show – the resolute, loyal and fearless SVU detective Olivia Benson and the returning from her two years in witness protection program Assistant District Attorney Alex Cabot.[3]

Spark series by chilly_flame - probably my second favorite cabenson fic (or fics?? there are three of them, a triple threat if you will). alex comes back from witsec and tries to rekindle her relationship with olivia[4]
