Speak the Living

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Title: Speak the Living
Author(s): Komos
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
External Links: online here

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Speak the Living is a Stargate SG-1 story by Komos.

Reactions and Reviews

I normally avoid Teal'c stories, because I find that he's a hard character to do right and I don't want to read him written wrong. But Komos's work is consistently solid, so I gave this a shot, and I'm so glad I did. This is Teal'c, the one we only get glimpses of in canon, with a deep, rich history of his own, who's made unfathomable sacrifices to be where he is, and who's trying to make the life he's chosen make sense in the context of the life he was born to live. It's heartbreaking and intensely hopeful, painting his life in flashing scenes of grief and loyalty and love.[1]
