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due South Fanfiction
Title: Stare
Author(s): Sitnah
Date(s): January 2000
Genre: femslash fanfiction
Fandom: due South
External Links: Stare (The Well - Sitnah's Fanfiction)
at AO3

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Stare is a Frannie/Thatcher story by Sitnah.

Summary: A little revisionist history. Post-COTW, Francesca gives Meg a ride to the airport.

The story has two follow-ups:

  • Another Little Piece of My Heart 2/00.
  • My Whole Entire Heart 2/00.

Reactions and Reviews

Francesca and Inspector Thatcher rarely interacted during the course of the series (though this fic works well following on from their conversation regarding Fraser in CotW) and this throws them together for a short drive to the airport shortly after that episode. Generally this fic left me with a feeling of 'Of course' (of course that's how that happened/what they would do/why Thatcher's angry at being posted to Chicago!) while still remaining surprising. It does a good job of paralleling the two women. Not only highlighting their interest and differences in pursuit of Fraser - Frannie's self-awareness of her motivations and Fraser as a safe target of her affections comes over maturely. But also in their mutual canon interest in children. Both Frannie and Thatcher carry their distinctive voices, as the fic hints at undercurrents that make their attraction mutual, about each other and really kinda calm. [1]

I had heard abour stories pairing Meg and Frannie but never saw one. Totally by coincidence I came across this one, and it's believable. Just a little ride to the airport but it sets the stage for so much more. rec: April 2001[2]

Sometimes I can be a lot like that 'Woman who is Easily Irritated' character in the comic strip Sylvia. And thus I'm often first in line to complain about the so-called 'wacky pairings.' But beneath this irritable exterior lies a slightly less irritable interior, who's first in line to just absolutely love a story that can make me believe. Sitnah takes the time to build her case in Stare, using canon evidence as well as some new and startlingly apt emotional connections. This story is the kind that make you wonder-- not 'what were you thinking?' but 'why didn't I see that before?' Sitnah is also a frickin' wizard with the drabble, so check those out too. [3]


  1. ^ 2006 rec at Crack Van by lakester
  2. ^ soo. soo's Den of Obsessions: Old Recs: Due South, April 2001. (Accessed 11 January 2017)
  3. ^ Livia's Library -- Liv's Picks (September 19, 2001)