Stargate Aschen

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Title: Stargate Aschen
Author(s): Kimberley Jackson
Date(s): February 2014 - June 2015
Length: 306500 words
Genre(s): Alternate Universe, Romance, Dystopia, Dystopian AU
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis
External Links: Stargate Aschen Online

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Stargate Aschen - Abridged T-rated version (AO3)

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Stargate Aschen is a Samantha Carter/Jack O'Neill-centric alternate universe novel, written by Kimberley Jackson. The dystopian science-fiction romance has 51 chapters and includes various characters and pairings from Stargate Atlantis and Stargate SG-1. The main plot focuses on Sam Carter and Jack O'Neill.

Although this novel borrows characters and concepts from the television show Stargate SG-1, it work stands on its own and is independent from the television shows. The author set the characters up in a completely new universe, enabling even readers who have never seen the tv shows to understand and enjoy the plot.

As of June 2015, the story has 192 followers and 112 favorites on According to the author, the ebook version of the story was downloaded over 300 times in the first 48 hours after publication.[1]


In the year 799 (Aschen calender), Earth is a colony under strict reign by an oppressive Aschen government. The Aschen have turned humans into slaves, and seized control over the entire planet, including the Stargate—a device that allows them to form a wormhole and travel thousands of light years across the galaxy to their home planet within seconds.

Humanity is at the brink of extinction. Due to advanced Aschen medicine human lifespan has almost tripled, but most of the human population is born infertile. Only a small percent of humans are so-called gifted ones, who are able to conceive/father children. Strict rules apply to these gifted ones, as the Aschen government wants to uphold the human population.

Samantha Carter is 25 years old. She has just come of age and undergoes her first fertility tests. When her tests turn out positive, her life is about to take a dramatic turn for the worse. Unwilling to accept a forced marriage and life in a breeding facility under Aschen control, she runs away from home to find the resistance and fight for the freedom of Earth as well as her own.

As she meets Jack O'Neill, camp leader of resistance Cell 4, neither of them realizes they are bound together by more than the mutual goal to free Earth from Aschen reign. Side by side, they fight to liberate their world from the oppression of an alien race using a second, secret Stargate found almost a century before in the Antarctica forests...


  • Chapter 1 - Favor (2128 words) - Upon learning that his daughter Sam is 'gifted' (fertile, able to have children), Jacob Carter marries her to his old friend Jack O'Neill in order to protect her from the Aschen breeding facilities where she would face rape and forceful pregnancy.
  • Chapter 2 - Crossroads (5158 words) - When Sam learns that she is gifted and that her father married her off to a stranger, she runs away from home.
  • Chapter 3 - Survivor (2617 words) - Sam's search for the resistance against the Aschen finally leads her to Ireland.
  • Chapter 4 - Strangers (2324 words) - In Ireland, Sam meets a mysterious man in a forrest bar, where she's looking for a resistance contact.
  • Chapter 5 - Mistaken Identity (5171 words) - After having been drugged, Sam wakes up in an old barn where the stranger is holding her captive. Desperately she struggles to free herself.
  • Chapter 6 - Trust (3788 words) - The mysterious stranger turns out to be Jack O'Neill, leader of resistance Cell 4. He takes Sam back to the resistance camp, where she has to learn to trust.
  • Chapter 7 - Respect (4185 words) - During her first weeks in the resistance bootcamp, Sam has to learn to follow orders.
  • Chapter 8 - Survival Training (6159 words) - Sam has to overcome self-doubt and insecurities during a session of survival training. While she herself doesn't recognize her potential, Jack O'Neill does.
  • Chapter 9 - Disobedience (6362 words) - After a fight with another recruit and an incident of sexual harassment, Sam sneaks out at camp one night to get drunk with another camp member.
  • Chapter 10 - Believe Again (5035 words) - After breaking the rules by sneaking out of camp to get drunk, Sam has to face her camp commander Jack O'Neill and decide whether she wants to complete her resistance training, or leave camp for good.
  • Chapter 11 - Briefings (4949 words) - After successfully completing her training, Sam finally becomes a full member of the resistance.
  • 40 more chapters...

Reactions and Reviews

An exceptional piece of Stargate storytelling.[2]

I love the way that the author manages to include bits from different episodes and incorporate them into the storyline. I think she's managed to keep true to all of the characters personalities, both from SG-1 and Atlantis.[3]

This story has kept me on the edge from the start! I love the character build up, and yes, it feel like original fiction. Recently stumbled across this story and spent the last few days engrossed.[4]

Discovering this fanfic has been really enjoyable. I've never seen anyone else on fan fiction put so much effort into their world building and their characterisation, it's truly inspirational.[5]

I’ve read a lot of fanfics through the years, and there were good and bad writers but Kimberley Jackson is just amazing.[6]

External links


  1. ^ Kimberley Jackson's Twitter, accessed June 27, 2015
  2. ^ Gatecast Podcast, accessed July 22, 2015
  3. ^ Fanfic Reviewer, accessed June 27, 2015
  4. ^ [email protected], accessed June 27, 2015
  5. ^ [email protected], accessed June 27, 2015
  6. ^ Rosa, accessed June 27, 2015