Stranger than Fiction (Star Trek: TOS story)

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K/S Fanfiction
Title: Stranger than Fiction
Author(s): Shelley Butler
Date(s): 1995
Genre: slash
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Stranger than Fiction is a K/S story by Shelley Butler.

It was published in the print zine First Time #43.


"Two crewwomen share a passion for watching Kirk and Spock and are so sure that they are lovers, they begin writing stories about them."

Reactions and Reviews

I've always wondered how authors manage to collaborate, since the writing process seems so intensely personal and individualistic. But Shelley and Kathy have come up with a great solution, with each of them taking a different pad of the story.

I enjoyed reading Stranger Than Fiction, and I enjoyed H on the re-reading as well. There are some wonderful lines in it. For example, I'd like to quote the whole section on pages 7 and 8 where Loran is talking about how Kirk and Spock look at each other on the bridge, and how Spock managed to save Kirk from the cave-in on Delta Rana IV. "... how Spock just stands there, being looked at." "Amazing - as if they were already seeing each other through the closed doors." And especially, "... so Captain Kirk was turned so I could see his face, and honestly, his eyes roam up and down Spock's body..." (A few years ago a friend pointed out to me how Kirk in the movies doesn't look Spock in the eye when they meet, but looks him up and down. I could hardly believe it, but I watched throughout a six movie, fourteen hour marathon, and it's true. He looks him in the face for a moment, then all the way down his body, then up, and then he truly establishes eye contact. Often. And I think it's so neat that the authors of this story caught that too.)

I also liked the way the K/S story within this story utilized The Naked Time, with just enough changes to make the new plot feasible. Well done! Terrific how the graffiti on the turbo doors now reads Kirk Sucks Cock, and how the captain tries to erase Spock is a Fag

However. I must confess I skipped much of the "K/S" part the second time around. I know the authors were going for an "over the top" experience there, but I think they went too far. The actual sex scene left me uninterested simply because it was obvious that someone was rubbing two sticks (pun intended) together furiously, trying so hard to generate heat.... And all I could see were the two sticks. I saw the intention behind the words because the scene was so over the top. An example would be "Spock ravished Kirk's mouth. The kiss deepened. Even with the madness, Kirk had never been kissed like this." This kind of language must be supported by a lot of emotional groundwork, and this story simply didn't provide that.

And the bondage scenario really didn't work for me. I suppose I could swallow our Vulcan tying up the captain the first time they make love, given the "madness" that's infecting them. But the "short length of velvet rope" that just happened to be handy? And there just happens to be a metal ring in the headboard of Spock's bed, non-regulation? The easy accessibility of these devices prevents the reader from shrugging off Spock's actions as a result of the madness. Apparently, this Spock goes into BSD big time. Bondage scenarios can be written well, integrated into the theme of the story, as Shelley did in one of her most recent works, (I can't remember the story title right now, I'm sorry.), but for me this section only served to remind I was reading a story, that it wasn't real.

But this was still an intriguing story, well constructed and with very original ideas. I agree with other reviewers who've said they would enjoy seeing this collaboration continue. [1]

Reading many K/S zines, I subconsciously assumed I’d encountered every angle of approach. I’m glad to have been proven wrong. A behind the scenes look on the development of a story. The sprouting of ideas, the excitement of creation which I imagine are similar to any real creative force between two prolific writers, spinning a tale on three levels. The experience of creating a story together through two female starship officers imagining a love life between Kirk and Spock. A successful joint venture. [2]


  1. ^ from Come Together #30
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #2