Substitute (Blake's 7 story)

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Title: Substitute
Author(s): Vanessa Mullen
Date(s): November 1994
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: Online at AO3

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Substitute is a Blake's 7 Avon/Gan, with unrequited Blake/Avon, story by Vanessa Mullen.

It was published in Southern Comfort #8.5.

Reactions and Reviews

I've read this one before - one of the few that posits that Avon loves Blake, but Blake doesn't love Avon. It is all horribly awkward - and very well done. As much as I don't want the Avon/Gan thing, it does give us an opportunity to have a very good Gan, who is kind and noble but not above being irritated with Avon's utter selfishness, and also not as stupid as he looks. Also, the idea of Blake playing (aggressive) kiss chase is so adorable I don't even know what to do with myself. Ahem.[1]

Not really Blake/Avon, as Avon's love and desire for Blake is unrequited. The discovery scene is well done and consequently very painful. Gan offers himself unselfishly in place of Blake - and the way Avon treats him reveals a lot about Avon's character. Meanwhile, Gan is at his best - kind, good-hearted and as patient with someone as annoying as Avon as possible, although (as we know) even Gan has his breaking point when decency/good-sense has been forgotten.[2]

I didn't care for this one at all, but it's certainly original. Blake is in the story so that's why I read it. And no, she doesn't bash Blake. I just prefer B/A so it's really hard to like this story. [3]
