Tab A Slot B

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Title: Tab A Slot B
Author(s): the drifter
Date(s): 2007
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Tab A Slot B is a Stargate Atlantis story by the drifter.

Reactions and Reviews

John/Rodney - Genderfucked: Anyone and Everyone - A grand old screwball comedy of a genderswap fic. A mysterious bit of ancient technology first switches the genders of all the men of Atlantis and then of all the women, leaving chaos in it's wake. It's played for humor, but with a serious point underneath. the_drifter addresses the ways in which genderswap is a form of forced transgendering, placing the Atlanteans in bodies that no longer match their internal senses of self. It's an interesting, different perspective on the genre and a great, fun fic.[1]


  1. ^ comment by fairestcat, March 28, 2007, Genderfuck Recs