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For the Sonic the Hedgehog character, see Miles "Tails" Prower.
Title: Tails
Author(s): Amirin
Date(s): April 1997
Length: 80k
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Tails (The Basement)
Tails (Amirin's X-Files Slash Page)

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Tails is a Mulder/Krycek story by Amirin.

Summary: Krycek turns to Mulder when he concludes that his death is imminent. A romantic tear-jerker!

Summary from author's website: Krycek comes to Mulder with a very final request, which forces the agent to re-examine their relationship, in Tails.

Recs and Reviews

Ok, yes this is a death story. It is absolutely the best one you will ever read though. It is so beautiful, I don't know of anyone who has ever read it and not done some shoulder shaking crying throughout it. Since this is my time for some classic M/K recs, this is definitly one that had to go in. I was at someone elses rec site when I saw this mentioned and again went, 'why the fuck haven't I rec'd that?' I knew I had to add it as soon as I saw that title starting at me. This story is so beautiful, that is the only word to describe it. Since it's Valentine's Day today, the romantic sap in me came out and called me to rec this story. Yes, someone dies in it, it is with dignity and with someone they love who loves them back, though. That is part of the heart breaking aspect to it. Finding a love you wanted so badly, but could never bring yourself to act upon until it was too late. Death gives us courage to go for things sometimes and frees us from our hatred in order to allow our true feelings to surface. That is what happens here. Love found and lost all in a few stolen moments. If I don't stop now I'm going to be crying just remembering the beauty of this story real soon. I couldn't even bring myself to read it again to refresh my memory, I skimmed it though, and found I remembered it perfectly. Some stories are to beautiful to forget. Even if you don't like Death stories, try to read this one if you read no other. I don't usually like them, but this one has a true beauty and peace to it that makes it so powerful and touching.[1]

Tails is absolutely the most awesome story I have ever read, in any fandom. It is just soo good. I sat in the middle of the library bawling my eyes out. Sniff. The Tapestry Series is a much happier story. Up 'till now, at least. It somehow manages to skillfully evade the overclicheed 'fall of the consortium,' in favor of casting Alex in the role of hero and saviour of mankind. Have I mentioned I love Amirin's Alex?[2]


  1. ^ The Slash Slut's Recs: X-Files Recs. (Accessed 28 March 2015)
  2. ^ The Eternal Palace. Slash Links (Accessed 03 April 2015)