Tales by the Fireside

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You may also be looking for Fireside Tales or Firesigns and Other Tales.

Title: Tales by the Fireside
Publisher: Cat-A-Tonic Press
Editor(s): Celestial Cat
Date(s): 1993
Medium: print
Fandom: Multimedia (Multiple Fandoms)
Language: English
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Tales by the Fireside is a 95-page gen multifandom anthology.

It appears to be a sister zine to Fireside Tales.

flyer for issue #1 -- issue #2 was canceled
cover of issue #1 - it portrays a puzzle that has animal tails, a bee and an eye, "the" and a campfire (the arrow to the belt is an unclear clue, perhaps it signifies :#1"?)

"From the pens of: Sue-Anne Hartwlck, Gillian Holt, Melissa Mastoris, Emily Ross, Jean Graham, Wendy Karmell and Sheila Paulson."

Submission Requests

From a submission request in I.Z.I.:

Wanted: Adventure, romance, mystery, horror and comedy on your favorite fandoms. I'll take any fandom except old ST or Dr. Who. Cross universe, historical, alternate universe and fantasy are accepted. Adult situations will be accepted but not slash unless it is an established fact in that universe. Especially wanted: New Star Trek, Highlander, Man from UNCLE, MacGyver, Quantum Leap, Sherlock Holmes, Lovejoy, Time Tunnel, Forever Knight, Blake's 7 and Just about anything else. All contributions longer than 10 pages, double spaced, must be accompanied by a diskette containing the story on file to be downloaded to my DOS-based PC.

From a submission request in Zine Scene:

An everything gen zine and I'll take just about anything ou can think up: mystery, comedy, drama, action/adventure, satire, cross universe, alternate universe, fantasy, historical, etc. However, no vintage Star Trek, Dr Who, slash or explicit sex stories will be considered for this publication. Stories may be sent typed or on diskette. SASE for guidelines.


From an ad in I.Z.I. (1993 or after):

Pour a steaming mug of peppermint-flavored hot chocolate, get your favorite blanket and curt up In front of a roaring blaze to travel the world with some of your favorite characters. Watch the sun set over the ocean with the characters from Lethal Weapon and Starsky and Hutch. Bask on the warm sands of Hawaii with McGarrett and his team from Hawaii Five-0. Take a 747 to England and fight Nazi spies with Garrison's Gorillas. Take a cab to Heathrow and jet off to NY to visit those men from UNCLE, then catch the subway to Ghostbuster Central.

From an ad in Media Monitor #34:

Watch the sun set over the ocean with the characters from Lethal Weapon and Starsky and Hutch. Bask on the warm sands of Hawaii with McGarrett and his team from Hawaii Five-O. Take a 747 to England and fight Nazi spies with Garrison's Guerrillas (sic). Hop a cab to Heathrow and jet off to New York to visit those men from UNCLE! Napoleon and Illya, then catch the subway to Ghostbuster Central and help fight the most insidious madman on any plane of existence. Jump into your RV and head into the desert to fight creatures from outer space with the War of the Worlds team. Finally, sit back and enjoy a trip to the land of the Vikings with Starsky and Hutch.
