Talk:Animals in Fanworks

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I guess I could go either way on sehlats as fantastical creatures, but I'd come down more heavily on them being an 'alien' creatures. They're certainly not 'of this world,'". I think a link to them on an individual or group alien creature page is better. Just an aside, who's to say they are "animals" rather than "alien beings"? All we know is Spock "had" one as a child. If we're splitting hairs, a Sehlat *may* be no different than an Andorian, as we don't know much about this alien.--Mrs. Potato Head 00:50, 7 August 2010 (UTC)

They are clearly meant to be on the level of dogs. I assume it would be unethical in the Vulcan philosophy to keep sentient beings as pets, and after all they can communicate telepathically with all sorts of things, so they would know even if they can't talk. (otoh going by ST canon it seems whales are sentient, aren't they?)
Also, we see Spock's sehlat in TAS, we see wild one in ST:ENT, so they are quite established.--RatCreature 01:02, 7 August 2010 (UTC)