Talk to Me

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Title: Talk to Me
Author(s): laceymcbain
Date(s): June 26, 2012
Length: 11,738 words
Genre(s): Slash
Fandom(s): The Avengers Movieverse, MCU
Relationship(s): Clint Barton/Phil Coulson
External Links: AO3
Cover art by unknown artist

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Talk to Me by laceymcbain is a story in the MCU's The Avengers fandom, focused on the pairing of Clint Barton/Phil Coulson. It is an early Phlint fic, and many credit it with turning them on to the pairing. As of August 2021, the fic has over 99,000 hits, 6600 kudos, 190 comments, and 1860 bookmarks on Archive of Our Own.



The first words Clint ever remembers Coulson saying to him are "talk to me."

Podfic cover by Podcath (2015)


A podfic was created by Podcath.

Reactions and Reviews

Hello fic of my heart. Lots of BAMFY goodness paired with all the, so good. I've read this one more times than I can count.[1]

One of the fics that made me ship Phil/Clint. I liked a lot how it is shown the development of their relationship.[2]

This is literally one of the best that I've read. I was reading just a few pages and I navigated between classes, and I got so caught up in it that I forgot where I was going and overshot until I hit a dead end. [3]

Let’s start with the language/style. I’m kinda anal about it, because if something has a bad language, I just don’t read it. But this one has a nice language and it’s funny. It’s not meant to be a comedy, so you won’t laugh out laud every few minutes, but it’s hard not to be sarcastic with this two as your main characters. The whole story basically consists of the Moments of Their Lives so you won’t have one plot in it and it heavily fokus on Clint and Coulson’s relationship. It has a changing point of view, but 90% of time Clint’s a narrator.[4]

Because BAMF!Coulson, who actually *listens* to BAMF!mouthy!Clint is my favourite tone for this pairing. This story is pretty much my head canon for this pairing. Also, laceymcbain writes in multiple fandoms, and all of her work is worth checking out.[5]

I love a good backstory. And this. This this this was clint & phil bouncing off each other and respecting each other and then finally meeting each other and ok I will shuttup now <3[6]
