Tell You What (you're gonna do)

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Title: Tell You What (you're gonna do)
Author(s): giddygeek
Date(s): 14 November 2010
Length: 5,810 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: Tell You What (you're gonna do) (LJ)
Tell You What (you're gonna do) (AO3)

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Tell You What (you're gonna do) is a Steve/Danny story by giddygeek.

Summary: Steve is still grinning when he says, "I'm a SEAL," and pushes them both off the cliff.

Recs and Reviews

I've been less happy with this season of H50 than I was with the first season, and I think that's made me nostalgic. Everything seems simpler in that first flush of a new series - less troublesome back story to deal with, fewer inconsistencies of character, lines of dialogue fandom can pounce on and spin into epic tales. For example, in S1 episode 1 when Danny proclaims, "I swim for survival, not for fun" ... I'm sure the producers had no idea what they were starting.

This was one of the early fics that riffed off that line. Danny and Steve under fire, standing on the edge of a cliff and their only way out is down. Into the ocean. Can Danny really swim?

What I love about this fic (and all of Giddy's) works is that though it starts there--with the seed of an idea from the show--it quickly moves somewhere else, and in this case, it kicks everything up a notch (or ten) and moves them to the bedroom in a post-adrenaline high that just makes everything hotter.

And like all things Giddy, it's got great banter and humor even in the midst of getting down and dirty with one another. If you missed this one, make sure you check it out. It's still one of my favourites.[1]

NC-17. THERE ARE NO WORDS FOR HOW AWESOME THIS FIC IS OKAY. And it all starts on a cliff amid gunfire. "Life or death, Danno," Steve says. He's panting, he's bleeding, he's not wearing a shirt, and he's grinning; must be Tuesday, Danny thinks wildly.[2]

Steve/Danny, NC-17, ~5800 words === The crazy shit always happens on a Tuesday, and I'm expecting this to more or less happen in an episode any day now (well, you know they'll fade to black when it gets to the actual sex, but everything else reads like a script.)[3]


  1. ^ laceymcbain in: crack_van. Tell You What (you're gonna do) by Giddygeek (Adult), 09 February 2012. (Accessed 08 June 2016)
  2. ^ reeface. Operation: H50 Recs, 2011. (Accessed 10 June 2016)
  3. ^ topaz119. h5-0 things that made me happy, 30 November 2010. (Accessed 14 June 2016)