The Anomaly (X-Files story)

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Title: The Anomaly
Author(s): Joann Humby, Aptmt42 and Medusa
Date(s): Jan/Feb 2001
Length: 248K
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Anomaly (1/2) & (2/2) at Gossamer
The Anomaly at Joann's author page (archived link)

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The Anomaly is an X-Files story by Joann Humby, Aptmt42, and Medusa.

Reactions and Reviews

Do you think that if we all click our heels together and say three times "Please, let 1013 do it like this" that TPTB will create something as consummately well-plotted, emotionally realistic and exciting as this resolution? Nah, thought not. Great characterization of Mulder and Skinner, a suitably ambiguous role for Krycek, FBI politicking and a dash of man's inhumanity to man mix to make this a wonderfully dark and downbeat adventure. I wish there was more Scully action in it but that's rather like being given a fantastic gift and quibbling because you're not keen on the color of the wrapping paper. Highly recommended.[1]
