The Clipper Trade Ship/Issues 21-30

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Issue 21

The Clipper Trade Ship 21 was published in July 1978 and contains 36 pages.

front cover of issue #21, a wraparound cover
back cover of issue #21, a wraparound cover

There were 250 copies printed.

Contributors: Ron Megrossi, Diana Lynn Carlson-Sherbo, Lela Dowling, D.L. Collin, Debby Chapman, Carl Lamb, Chris McWilliams, Frank Panucci, Robert Dolsay, Paul Czaplicki, Bill Norton, Richard Heim, Signe Landon, Lizette Leveille, Gennie Summers, Robyn Thompson, Daniel Down, Kathi Lynn Higley.

The editorial is lengthy, and one subject is science fiction on television, and how difficult it is to sustain quality shows, how shows come and go too quickly. Also:

Star Trek still survives, as does ST fandom. Long time readers may recall (with a shudder) that I, a ST fan, have aired many criticisms of ST fandom on past pages. One subject I've not touched upon is fanzines: who should be doing them, contributing to them.

Contrary to the opinion I've heard expressed in fandom many times, I think anyone should. Editing, drawing, and writing are expressions of creativity, imagination, freedom, and devotion. And fan doesn't mean it has to be good—'good is a relative term. As long as the person doing it is satisfied, that's the main thing. There is too much destructive criticism in fandom. Fans are saying outright that so-and-so shouldn't be editing, drawing, or writing, with the reason "well, I don't like it, it's poor." With constructive criticism and a positive attitude, the writer or artist or editor can be given a chance to improve, instead of being discouraged to the point of giving up, and later on produce a really admirable piece. Too many creative fans are stopped too soon. We all weren't born professional editors, writers, and artists; we have to learn.

Unfortunately, some fans don't stop at "well, I don't like it." They also say "I don't like you, either." Clashing personalities and a vicious streak in some people result in some fans being verbally abused and defamed — sometimes openly in fanzine, leading to threats of libel suits — with ugly rumors, and blacklisting occurring — all because some people can't live up to some of Star Trek's basic premises, the ability to say "I disagree, but respect your right to an opinion," and IDIC—infinite diversity in infinite combinations. (Star Trek fans in general seem to be very violent in thought.) These people aren't exactly destroying fandom, but they are having an adverse effect. Whereas the "I don't like it'"s are discouraging those just starting, or those who need to improve (who doesn't?), the "I don't like you's" are in addition causing very talented fans to become fed up with fandom and leave it. We, fandom, lose. And we have lost some topnotch creative fans because of this.

Space: 1999 fandom, on the other hand, doesn't seem to have all this bickering that ST fandom has, maybe because its fandom is so young, its fans so determined and well aware of any shortcomings or messages their series has? Does a fandom become senile after ten years? Anyway, this issue was to be a Space: 1999 thematic issue, but, as usual, difficulties arose. S:99 is getting more popular: more fanzines are coming out solely devoted to it ('99 stories have appeared in major ST zines), a large '99 convention is planned this summer in the midwest, and more people are watching it. (Be honest: have you watched it more than twice?) The problem: With so much demand there's suddenly a slight shortage of '99 material. Chuck Raue, coeditor of the S:99 letter of comment zine ComLoC (I'm very impressed with the fans' letters printed therein), suggested a year ago for a '99 issue of TCTS, and volunteered to help scout out stories and art, and together we could not come up with much; it has all been promised to other zines.... Luckily, I've found no such shortage on Star Wars material for next issue's theme.

  • In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (1)
  • Someday, poem by Debby Chapman (3)
  • The Rules of Luton, Space: 1999 filk by Carl Lamb (4)
  • That Sleep of Death, Trek fiction by Robert Dolsay (5)
  • In Miniature, article about creating models of John Koenig and Alan Carter from Space: 1999, by Paul Czaplicki (14)
  • A Reading, Space: 1999 or original science fiction, by Bill Norton (15)
  • Identiclip Addenda by Richard Heim (16)
  • Identiclip by Lizette Leveille and Gennie Summers (18)
  • Lonelier Than Himself, Trek fiction by Robyn Thompson (23)
  • On Clips & Slides, introductory article about where to find them, store them... (24)
  • Flotsam & Jetsam (26)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (27)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 21

Thank you for my latest copy of TCTS #21. Enjoyed your editorial very much.

It does seem that some people have very set ideas about Star Trek and life in general. This sentence in your editorial says the things that come in my mind: "The ability to say 'I disagree, but respect your right to an opinion,' and IDIC—infinite diversity in infinite combinations." I wish all would think that way, because all should write and do as they wish. If you do not like it, do not buy their zine.

Your reading audience may be dropping, but for me, I will renew when the time comes.

Ms. Schultz's letter in #20 brings up many interesting points about TCTS. It may not have the illos or stories like other zines, but it does keep one in touch with other fans, and it's a good place for all to buy, trade and sell their wares. [1]

TCTS #21 was excellent! I have enjoyed this issue more than any of the others I have received starting with — I think —#l6. Your bit about fanzine publishing in "In the Captain's Cabin" was quite regenerating, as well as giving editors such as myself another "foot to stand on." Thanks alot! "That Sleep of Death" by Bob Dolsay was certainly very interesting. I can't remember
b another piece like it before in Treklit. I have seen a similar setting before like this, but the story was well written and quite enjoyable. Maybe I'm just dense ( smart comments!), but "A Heading" by Bill Norton at first made no sense to me whatsoever. However, after I reread the piece, I found that I really liked it! Bravo! [2]

Issue 22

back cover of issue #22, Doug Herring

The Clipper Trade Ship 22 contains 28 pages and was published in October 1978.

300 copies were printed.

Contributors: Gee Moaven, Doug Herring, T.O. Knova, Lela Dowling, Melly Frame, Frank Panucci, J. Alan Tyler, Lizette Leveille, Paul Czaplicki, Gennie Summers, D.L. Collin, Richard Heim, Kirk Trummel, Bill Norton, Gloria-Ann Rovelstad, Amy L. Manring.

From the editorial:

The old copyright law, and the new one that replaced it on January 1 of this year, were designed to protect the rights of an artist, writer, or musician of his creation. The new law, however, provides much more protection than before, and fanzine writers, artists, and editors could easily find themselves in trouble, should a copyright holder move in to protect his rights. The key to this possible dispute is in how strictly the term "derivative work" is interpreted. The copyright on an item extends to its derivative work, derivative work being defined in the law as "a work based upon one or more preexisting works, such as a translation, musical arrangement, dramatization, fictionalization, motion picture version, sound recording, art reproduction, abridgement, condensation, or any other form in which a work nay be recast, transformed, or adapted, A work consisting of editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications which, as a whole, represent an original work of authorship, is a 'derivative work."" This means (l do not claim to be an authority on law) that, fairing Twentieth Century-Fox and Star Wars for example, all stories and artwork based on Star Vars are derivative works (inasmuch as the copyright extends down to a single film clip) protected under Twentieth Century-Fox's copyright. The company, if it chooses, could sue any fanzine, editor, artist, or writer that is involved with a "derivative work" of Star Wars.

The likelihood of something like this happening is very small, yet the possibility does exist—especially for 20th Century-Fox with regards to Star Wars (along with Star Wars Corporation) They have already shown an unusual amount of zeal, perhaps an other than rational fervor, in protecting their property. They are in the process of sueing Universal Studios, claiming that Battlestar Galactica is a SW ripoff. They have worked closely with the FBI on the largest operation against film piracy in history. And they have enjoined the FBI to investigate one step further, and go after possibly illegal posters, stills, trinkets, and film clips.

The latter, as TCTS readers are well aware, are of interest to a large minority of this fanzine's following. By the copyright law it is illegal to dupe clips or make prints from them in order to make a personal profit (presuming the clips have a valid copyright) there is the principal of "first sale" that virtually nullifies the copyright, see the copyright law). However, the simple trafficking in film clips themselves is another matter. The copyright law with respects to that is not a clear shade of black or white, but an unresolved grey—perhaps a very light grey. That they are copyrighted is no dispute, nonetheless, there are aspects of the law that indicate them legal to be sold. This is all leading up to a peculiar series of events that recently began to which no conclusion has yet been reached. They involve film clips, the FBI, 20th Century-Fox, and the editor of a small fanzine in part devoted to the hobby of collecting film clips (who shall remain nameless by necessity).

It began early in a summer month when two FBI agents made a small raid on a little movie memorabilia shop In a not-so-major city on the West Coast. Their objective was to confiscate a number of film clip packets that were for sale there, and to learn their origin. Not having a search warrant didn't deter them (a rather illegal move on their part), and the shopowner was too intimidated to consider it. They first I demanded that he sign a paper that would waive his legal frights, which he rightly refused to do. Then they demanded that he sign a paper authorizing them to destroy the film clips should they decide they were illegal, in violation of the copyright law (no specific charge was made). He agreed to that, but on a very limited basis: only packets that were his own. As it was, 95% the packets bad been left on consignment by the fanzine editor. The form they had him sign did not list film clips, just things like bootleg records and tapes, which they had to cross out in order to write in "film clips," An agent signed a receipt (a plain piece of paper with the terms handwritten, the signature almost illegible, with no address other than city and state) for the items taken. They insisted that the shopowner divulge the identity of his supplier, making veiled threats, giving him one week to have the supplier (the editor) contact them when he refused. They left, and he has yet to hear from then again, many weeks after their first and only visit.

He, like many people, is very afraid of the FBI; we all have heard peculiar stories of government law enforcement agencies that make us wonder just which side of the law are they really on. So had the fanzine editor, as well as stories particular to the film collecting hobby. The shopowner called him that night to inform the editor of the incident. (Side note: the shopowner, until that night, hadn't had the editor's address and phone number. He had to do some elementary detective work: locating an old film clip ad of the editor, getting -the address, and calling Information for the number. More curiously, the editor advertises his film clip packets, as do other's, once every three months in two major collectors' periodicals—newspapers that the FBI subscribes to as well. In fact, his last ads came out after the raid.) There was a bit of panic. Two nights of frantic long distance phone calls yielded a small amount of free legal advice from a man who had passed the Bar and sold film clips as well. He advised as a precautionary measure in order to avoid months of costly and needless litigation to store elsewhere anything in the editor's possession relating to film, and not to talk to the FBI without first getting a lawyer. Sound advice, as both were familiar with the FBI's lack of knowledge when it comes to copyright and film. Too many times the FBI has equated film owning with film piracy, and if they were after film clips (and the coming attractions previews they were from), nothing was safe left at the editor's residence. However, by this time the editor was beginning to think more rationally, as he remembered that (at least, to his knowledge) he wasn't guilty of anything. So he only moved some material to a safer place, and got a lawyer. As the days slipped by, while the lawyer did research in the matter, he came to realize that the chances the FBI would come knocking on his door were very remote. The lawyer got back to him, having checked the laws applicable, and having talked to one of the FBI agents that had made the raid.

Legally, he confirmed the editor's findings, and advised not allowing the FBI to interview him — too many fishy things were going on. The agent had admitted that they were acting on the behalf of 20th Century-Fox/star Wars, from an alleged complaint against the shop (a bit more irony here: the editor had left SW packets at the shop for the first time a few days before the raid, the months previously the shopowner had sold his own), and that they didn't know what they were going to do with the film clips, except, perhaps, send them to their respective studios for "testing"—something they still hadn't done weeks after the raid. They can't quite pinpoint {yet, If possible) anything illegal about them. The agent once said it was all right to sell to sell the coming attractions preview the clips came from, but one couldn't cut the preview up and sell the individual frames) that makes no sense. Further advice the lawyer gave was not to press any suit or try to get most of the packets back, as it would alert the film companies who might then try to legally close up the sources of film clips. And there's where the situation stands as of the writing of this.

The portions of Title 17, the copyright law, applicable to film clips are these: Section 106 (3), which authorizes the copyright holder "to distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyrighted work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lending," and Section 109 (a), "not withstanding the provisions of Section 106 (3), the owner of a particular copy or phonorecord lawfully made under this title, or any person authorized by the owner, is entitled, without the authority of the copyright holder, to sell or otherwise dispose of the possession of that copy or phonorecord." The previews do come to public possession through legal channels—so far. Should a film company seek to prosecute someone selling film clips, the ultimate outcome would be an attempt to dry up the source of new film clips.

(The preceding should definitely conclude the long-running controversy in TCTS on the legality of Star Trek clips. Paramount maintained for years that they were illegal to sell, yet never attempted to prosecute anyone.)

  • an untitled religious poem, Christian, by Gennie Summers, first page
  • In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (1)
  • A Hint of Spice, A Touch of Ego, Star Wars fiction by Lizette Leveille (5)
  • In Miniature, article about building model miniature space craft, by Paul Czaplicki (11)
  • More on Clips and Slides (12)
  • Identiclip by Lizette Leveille and Gennie Summers (13)
  • Identiclip Addenda by Richard Heim (16)
  • See and Ye Shall Lose, Star Wars fiction by Bill Norton (18)
  • Letters of Comment (23)
  • Thoughts of a Dejected Wookiee by Amy L. Manring (24)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (26)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 22

I don't think I've ever written an LOC for TCTS. I think it is a nice little zine. Especially good, and helpful, is the Cargo Hold and the past articles on clip collecting. The fiction isn't as good as in other zines, but the specialty stuff in yours makes up for it. I liked #22, being Star Wars. The two stories were fine, except I don't think SW needs and Vulcans as in "A Hint of Spice." Your editorial--sent shivers down my spine. A horror story for Halloween? It's hard to believe the FBI would care that much about some fan's two-bit operation. While I was doing my zine, I read things in the fanzines about getting sued for copyright infringements, etc. I ignored it. Now I doubt they're going to 'get' me for writing SW or collecting clips. G.L. and Co. have bought a couple of zines already. I doubt they would actually buy a fanzine just to grab us later. Sure, 20th Century-Fox sued or wants to sue Universal. But to me, that just looks like the usual studio wars. Anyway, I hope nothing bad happens to you or anyone else because of a love for SW. May the Force certainly be with you. [3]

Issue 23

The Clipper Trade Ship 23 was published in January 1979 and contains 33 pages. 300 copies were printed.

front cover of issue #23
back cover of issue #23

The contributors were: Eileen Roy, Frank Panucci, J. Alan Tyler, Amy L. Manring, Susan Landerman, Gennie Summers, Dennis Dorris, Gloria-Ann Rovelstad, Mark Slone and Jim Rondeau.

One of the focus of the editorial is the new Star Trek: The Motion Picture; the editor was there for some of the filming -- look for the line about Scotty and the trash compactor!

  • Robert Foxworth as Questor (front cover)
  • In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (1)
  • Verse, poems by Amy L. Manring and by Susan Landerman (the Manring poem, "The Count," was reprinted in Dracula and in Mainely Trek #1) (2)
  • The 2nd Elfl Tale by Jim Rondeau (3)
  • Unshot, by Jim Rondeau, an article/transcription of an unfilmed episode of Questor (6)
  • A Day of Love, original fiction, not credited (16)
  • News, by Mark Slone (17)
  • When You Care, a Questor story by Eileen Roy (18)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (27)
  • The Film Pirate (back cover, possibly a photo of the editor)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 23

This will be the sixth year in print for this nice little zine featuring ST, SF, fantasy, and clip collecting and identifying. This issue was dedicated mostly to Gene Roddenberry's 1974 pilot for a series called The Questor Tapes. There were possibly 16 scripts written for it, and the pilot received good ratings, but it was pushed out by The Bionic Man. Jim gives a very good story outline and background of the pilot and series, plus an unshot episode script. Do Star Trek fans know that Majel Barrrett was in the Questor pilot? There is an excellent Questor story by Eileen Roy, titled 'When You Care.' TCTS also has other short stories and poems, plus the editorial page, 'Captain's Cabin' and 'The Cargo Hold' (a six-page section of ads)... a good zine. [4]

Panucci's Spock was fabulous. Very good placement; it looked as though he was ready to defend your editorial. And your editorial — well, well, editorials come and go "but this one was definitely one of your best. (Of course the fact that I agree with you totally may have something to do with it.) But honestly, Mork and Mindy isn't that bad. Okay, so it's not sf or even fantasy, but it is entertaining and doesn't try to pass it off as sf. Mork asks the most inspired dumb questions...

...I still don't believe that I will live to see the ST movie. I'm a big ST fan, but my patience and credibility have taken an awful stretching. If I'm such a big fan how come I'm not ecstatic? Post-starship depression, maybe?

The 2nd Elfl Tale was in a word PUTRID! (But I loved it.) I'm a glutton for punishment.

I'll quickly go through the rest of the zine. Unshot was as usual your usually brilliant job of editing. You never cease to amaze met "News" by Mark Slone was a tad too familiar. I've read basically the same thing by some major sf writer some years back, although I can't for the life of me remember who as I've read so much of the stuff. Anywho, I expect to have my Tomish plot the untimely demise of the pooch next door any day now.

"When You Care" was excellent and refreshing. Of course it was the first fiction piece I've read on Questor so I'm relatively open to it.

"Porky Mutant" — oh bar! Have mercy!!! [5]

On the cover is a superbly screened picture of Robert Foxworth that held my eyes for several moments. How'd you ever get such a magnificent print and have it come out so well through the screening process? The prints on pages 9 and 2k are pretty good, too.

The page that really caught my attention was page 16. "A Day of Love" is the best story I have read, ever. It's a gem, a jewel that will shine on forever. I like the innocent style, which makes the numerous puns even funnier!

This being a special Questor issue, none of the regular features were included. Of course this is logical and good for the zine, but nevertheless I felt something was missing. [6]

I really liked your last issue of TCTS #23- I appreciated all the information on the Questor series, the good photos, and the story script, as I don't know where else I could have got it. The story by Eileen Roy was excellent. It took me a while to figure that it wasn't really an actual script story that you had put in later.

As to the 2nd Elfl Tale, well, what could I say. It was kind of cute with those drawings and all. My sense of humor appreciates about everything, but has not met with that kind very often! What's that style called?... I liked your photo on the back

of TCTS 23! Is that really how you cut clips? [7]

I enjoyed TCTS #2 - although I could have done without the 2nd Elfl Tale. I also missed Identiclip and hope that it returns in the next issue. [8]

Issue 24

The Clipper Trade Ship 24 was printed in April 1979 and contains 36 pages.

front cover of issue #24, "Aloft" by J. Alan Tyler
back cover of issue #24, art by Mel Frame for "The Ways of Her Mother"

300 copies were printed.

Contributors: J. Alan Tyler, Mel Frame, Frank Panucci, Gennie Summers, Amy L. Manring, Dragon Wieler White, Dixie G. Owen, Paul Czaplicki, Susan Landerman, Lela Dowling, Richard Heim, S.K. Dixon, T.O. Knova, Kirk Trummel, Gloria-Ann Rovelstad, and Lizette Leveille.

There is a follow-up, of sorts, to the editorial in the previous issue. The editor writes:

There has been a conclusion to the adventure of the FBI confiscating film clip packets I had left on consignment at a movie memorabilia shop related two issues ago. On January 2, five months after they had been confiscated, the agent in charge of the investigation phoned me up and simply informed me that the investigation was completed, and the film clips were being returned without comment. A few months before he had threatened me with legal proceedings if I continued to refuse to sign a form allowing them to destroy the clips. I had the clips dropped off at my lawyer's, rather than travelling forty miles to pick them up. The only thing missing in the batch, with no explanation given, were the three SW packets of the group. Presumably the FBI had sent them to 20th Century-Fox for analysis, and the film company refused to return them. So much for film clips and the FBI.

  • In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (1)
  • Letters of Comment (2)
  • Hollow Mockery, original science fiction by Dragon Weiler White (8)
  • Other Zines, Other Views, zine reviews by Dixie Owen (11)
  • In Miniature, focus on Star Trek: The Motion Picture by Paul Czaplicki (13)
  • The Ways of Her Mother, original fantasy fiction by Susan Landerman (14)
  • Fined Lined Friends, art by Lela Dowling (17)
  • Identiclip Addenda by Richard Heim (18)
  • Beachhead, Star Trek/Incredible Hulk fiction by Terrence O. Knova (21)
  • Unshot, article by Jim Rondeau about some differences in the scripts and what was actually filmed (24)
  • Identiclip by Lizette Leveille (26)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (31)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 24

Just received TCTS; and decided to give my view of it.

TCTS is one of the more interesting fanzines/adzines I have gotten to date. Your 
artwork is great; especially the cover and back page of #24. Information-wise; as to all
 forms of fandom your zine does a tremendous job. No other comes even close except for DARKOVER NEWSLETTER and TIGHTBEAM.

Hopefully I will See many more TCTS's in the future; and
you will continue to keep up the great work. Really enjoyed the shorts in #24 and contrary to what others say, what can be done in 500-1500 words can be well done.

My favorite sections were Unshot, Identiclip, and Identiclip Addenda. Being an amateur writer of ST, those Identiclips help greatly when carrying forward a situation or character from a past story. Keep up the great work there. [9]

Issue 25

The Clipper Trade Ship 25 was published in July 1979 and contains 24 pages.

front cover of issue #25, Clare Bell
back cover of issue #25, not credited

300 copies were printed.

Contributors: Clare Bell, Gennie Summers, Melody Frame, Terrence O. Knova, Dixie G. Owen, Susan Landerman, Lisa Wahl, Frank Panucci, and Jim Rondeau.

From the editorial:

As esoteric as Identiclip is, for those of you who don't care about it, please remember that TCTS's original purpose was to help film clip collectors, primarily Star Trek film clip collectors. Granted that over the years TCTS has changed—mutated, grown, metamorphosized, or whatever—from an odd Star Trek fanzine to what fandom calls now a "genzine" (general fanzine), but it still stays true to its original purposes. ST fandom has developed along similar lines as well. A few years ago most fans were narrow-minded when it came to being a fan to anything else; you were either a Star Trek fan and nothing else, or you did not exist in their world. This is no longer true, which came as a nearly complete surprise to me when I attended 2'Con, the annual strictly fan ST con, held this year in Lansing, Michigan over Memorial Day weekend (the name & location changes each year). All kinds of fringe fandoms were represented: Battlestar Galactica, Superman, Mork & Mindy, Star Wars, Dr. Who, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and many more (including Starsky & Hutch and M*A*S*H). These overlapping interests were not just simply tolerated, but encouraged and appreciated as well.

Star Trek fandom is beginning to mature at last, despite the eternal internal bickering, and the threat of fragmentation due to the movie. (Actually, I cannot see how come fandom would fragment since there are these signs of maturity.) There is more to life than just Star Trek, and I'm glad fandom is finally navigating the rough seas I've steered TCTS through. I hope that readers feel as I do in the acceptance and promotion of all these fringe fandoms, and will support me in my efforts to bring into TCTS in some form or another bits from at least the sf/fantasy groups.

Granted, I do not expect universal acceptance of this, or overall support or approval of what does see print. The readers once booed down a peculiar serial a few years back, leaving it unfinished, and have now thumbed down my annual excursion into satirical legendary fantasy^ By your choice, the Christmas Elfl Tales will no longer grace these pages each December. Providing that there is something to print, the space will be put to better use.

Remember, the more you readers contribute that is acceptable, the less you'll have to see with my name attached.

On the other extreme, with respect to fringe fandoms, I don't want TCTS to move away from Star Trek completely. The drift in TCTS the past few years has gotten too much out of hand. How long has it been since a serious, strictly ST story has appeared? Too long, too long. I am too bashful to approach any of you individually to submit something, anything, so please consider this an anonymous request. Please don't let my title of Ye Meane Olde editor scare you away; the worst I can say is 'no.' On the other hand, I'm beginning to take lessons on how to be nice, and on how to praise...

  • In the Captain's Chair, editorial (1)
  • Enter Solo, Star Wars fiction by Terrence O. Knova and Jim Rondeau (3)
  • Other Zines, Other Views (reviews) (15)
  • The Blue Bag, original science fiction by Susan Landerman (18)
  • Bridge Over Tribbled Waters, "a true nostalgic reminiscence" by Lisa Wahl (20)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (21)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 25

Tho' I've learned never to reply to reviews — either good or bad — I'd like to comment on Dixie's of my story in ODYSSEY #3. It wasn't a reprint. What happened was that the story in question was originally written in early '77 for RISING STAR which was indefinitely delayed. After a year or so it seemed it would never be published, so wanting to find the story a home, I sent it to Ingrid for ODYSSEY. Then it was delayed while RS finally came out. So that's why the same story came out in two zines so close together. Accident, not design. And I never, never ever called Kirk "Jimmy." Makes my flesh crawl to even consider it.

"Enter Solo" was absolutely first rate, even with the confusion between "transport" and "teleport." Hope to see a sequel. But "Tribbled Waters" and "Blue Bag" read like refugees from a 10th grade creative writing class. Grim, very grim. Looking forward to #26. [10]

Issue 26

The Clipper Trade Ship 26 was published in October 1979 and contains 35 pages. Jim Rondeau now has a co-editor: Melody Frame.

front cover of issue #26, "Spock and Mrs. Peel" by Alicia Austin -- From the zine's editorial: "ABOUT THE FRONT COVER: Many thanks to Mandi Schultz for finding an unpublished Alicia Austin piece. It seems that long before Ms. Austin became a famous professional fantasy artist, she dabbled in fan work. This piece was intended for a Star Trek/Avengers story that never saw print."
back cover of issue #26, "The Joy of Coediting" by Melody Frame

300 copies were printed.

Contributors: Alicia Austin, Melody Frame, Frank Panucci, J. Alan Tyler, Elaine Tripp, Steve K. Dixon, R. Laurraine Tutihasi, Dixie G. Owen, Gennie Summers, Lizette Leveille, Susan Landerman, Carol Christensen, Sandra H. Necchi, and Roger Hill.

From the editorial:

Six years... A lot has happened during that time, to
 Star Trek fandom, to

TCTS, to me. Fandom has simultaneously atrophied and matured. The "trekkies" have disappeared, the "trekkers" are disappearing, and the science fiction multimedia fan remains, born out of the ashes — a quieter, more intellectual fan. Most of the childish squabbles have passed away (although still most ST fans do not support the concept of IDIC). Perhaps this all isn't a sign of maturity, but an ominous lull before the storm the movie may create. In a few short months it will be unleashed upon us ("The movie takes you boldly where Nomad has gone before") and the protests will begin (Klingons with a ridge of bumps on the top of their balding pates?). I do not wish to contemplate the movie's effect on fandom.

TCTS has come a long way. From its anonymous depths it has soared to anonymous heights. Let's face it — "The Clipper Trade Ship' doesn't even sound remotely science fictionish, let alone of the Star Trek genre. Out of defiance and habit more than anything else the name has stayed. Desperation for material to print has remained fairly constant! yet TCTS has done fairly well for a quarterly fanzine. The main irregularity in its printing schedule was to have two extra issues come out in one year, with #15 coming out "before #14! Many who have contributed to these pages have moved onto bigger and better things, but fortunately new tallent [sic] keeps showing up. The lineup of contributors and readers both have "been steadily turning over, reflecting the moods of fandom (either that, or TCTS is worse than I thought). Star Trek stories and art have eroded away to science fiction and fantasy, and with the advent of Star Wars, respectability was given to stories based on other movies and TV shows; something I'd been fighting for all along. That trend in TCTS has gotten almost too much momentum; Star Trek is being left behind. An accident? Random chance? Or is that what TCTS readers want? I do not know. Personally, I'd like to see more Star Trek back in TCTS.

Events in my own life have affected the tone of TCTS at times — the joys and sorrows of my private life leak into my writings, no matter how much I try to edit them out. The events that are going on right now are and will affect TCTS the greatest; I find myself with less time on my hands with which to work on a fanzine. This issue might have been late had not a volunteer extraordinaire insist upon helping. I cannot give thanks enough to Melody Frame for the work she has done, editing and typing nearly 50% of this issue. Any compliments you have may go to her, and any gripes you have may go to me. Ah, the joys of coediting! (Gasp, choke.)

  • In the Captain's Chair, editorial (1)
  • Letters of Comment (2)
  • Other Zines, Other Views (fanzine reviews by Dixie Owen) (5)
  • Imitation Glass by Carol Christensen (8)
  • Trial of the Innocents by Sandra H. Necchi (12)
  • Unshot by Roger Hill (18)
  • Poems from "Cage of Dreams" by Susan Landerman (24)
  • Identiclip by Lizette Leveille and Gennie Summers (25)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (29)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 26

Got TCTS #26 yesterday. Do you really have so much trouble with dragons? ((YES!)) Congratulations to Melody Frame (& you too) for putting out #26. I enjoyed Unshot (thanks, Roger Hill!) tremendously. The Night Stalker has always been a favorite of mine. "Imitation Glass" and "Trial of the Innocents" make me cringe—they were marvelous, and compared to them, my story is... eh. [11]

Steven K. Dixon's artwork on p. 5 -- very nice. I love Melody Frame's artwork too. [12]

I liked Sandra Necchi's "Trial of the Innocent." And I had to drop a line about the Elfls; thanx for bringing them back. [13]

Jim led the trend away from purely Trek to multimedia fiction, but the tide of change has become almost too strong for him. In issue 26, along with my Battlestar Galactica piece, he had a Planet of the Apes story, and a Nightstalker script. No Trek at all, in spite of an Alicia Austin portrait of Spock and Emma Peel on the cover. [14]

Issue 27

front cover of issue #27
back cover of issue #27

The Clipper Trade Ship 27 was published in January 1980 and contains 36 pages.

250 copies were printed.

Contributors: Terry Lipanovich, Sheryl Adsit, J. Alan Tyler, S.K. Dixon, Melody Frame, Carrie Daugherty, Elaine Tripp, Clare Bell, Michelle DeLude, Peggy Hogan, Gennie Summers. Richard Heim Jr., Laura Virgil, Dixie G. Owen, and Kent Bingham.

From the, as always, lengthy editorial:

Ah, but that's not all! Please note some minor items. TGTS is now more emphatically available for trade for Star Trek and Star Wars fanzines, new, used, old, or proposed, as long as some sort of deal can be worked out. I've long neglected to acquire a fanzine collection, and now I have reason to remedy this omission (my film clips are available to trade for zines, too) . Also, you know that the number by your name on the subscription envelope is the last number of your subscription. When you receive the last issue of your subscription, that number will be circled, the only simple indicator there will be that it's time to renew. Beyond that, no other changes are being implemented at this time.

This issue, mainly by luck and my desperate pleas, brings us back to the days when TCTS's content was nearly totally Star Trek and I couldn't get anything else no matter how long I held my breath. Nowadays the reverse is nearly trues few readers want to write or draw anything related to Star Trek (in fact, half the contributors to this issue aren't subscribers). It would be nice to achieve an equal balance between ST and the rest of the sf & sf film world, but beggars can't be choosers, and neither can begging editors. Regardless, please keep TCTS in mind when you want to try to get something in print (have editor's axe, will travel).

From the editorial:

Star Trek—The Motion Picture (thought I'd never get to it, did you?) By now most of you have seen it and/or read the book and have formed your own opinions. Fandom is just beginning the endless debate on it all (to what great purpose will it serve?). All I can say is just sit back and enjoy what you've got—because if you and eighty million others don't sit back and enjoy it, then there definitely won't be any more. But no, fandom will quibble for years, citing such great mistakes as the closeup of McCoy in the officer's lounge doesn't show passing stars out the window as it should, or pointing out time and again the in-jokes running throughout the movie, such as when Kirk says, "Decker, you have the conn", and the voice overlay in the background breaks through at that point with "whatever that is." Sigh... Complaints, complaints... But write your letters nonetheless.

Two things perk my curiosity about the movie that probably will never be satisfied. Why did Paramount have official representatives on hand at the theatres during the opening day? And just how much of the film ended up on the cutting room floor? The scene Lee Roberts and I saw being filmed of Decker, Ilia, and Scott in Engineering was given merely a passing reference. The scene Lee saw months later being shot with Kirk and Spock standing on the edge of the Enterprise saucer never made it, nor did half of what he saw being filmed of the Klingon sequence. Kirk in spacesuit being attacked by "crystals' the other security guard on the bridge being disintegrated by V'Ger's first plasma probe... how many minutes' worth?

One name in the closing credits made me chuckle: Greg Jein, who worked on some of the miniatures, and whose miniatures work included Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Laser-blast. Before Greg made it to the "big time," he edited a small fanzine devoted to people who collected Star Trek clips and scripts, called The Film Clipper. The question remains: where did I go wrong?

A fan's ad in the zine:

A SIMPLE FLEA FOR HELP, that's all. "Who's that man behind the Foster Grants?" is clever but it's also pathetic. Chances are if you're reading this zine you didn't grow up watching the Lone Ranger, but at least you've seen it. Clayton Moore provided us with endless entertainment and enjoyment. Various people have already written pounds of verbage [sic] on how and why. All I can add is that if you saw it and felt it, it should mean something to you. The least it should mean is a 15¢ stamp and 10 minutes of your time. Clayton Moore asks precious little of the Wrather Corp. that has made fortunes off of him. He's not demanding to star in the Lone Ranger remake. He's not demanding anything. All he asks is to be allowed to continue to do his Lone Ranger personal appearances (his main source of income now) in a mask which Wrather has now forbidden him to wear. One polite letter of protest would certainly help him now. Write: Wrather Corp. [address redacted] if you feel that Clayton Moore is entitled to retain at least a fragment of the dignity his characterization of the Lone Ranger was imbrued [sic] with.

  • In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (1)
  • Letters of Comment (4)
  • The Emperor's Visitor, or King Log's Epilog, Star Trek and I Claudius fiction by Clare Bell (7)
  • The Other Side, Star Trek fiction by Michelle DeLude (11)
  • !!, Star Trek RPF starring Mark Lenard as The Romulan Commander by Lee Roberts (16)
  • Indenticlip Addenda by Richard Heim Jr. (18)
  • The 4rd Elfl Tale by Jim Rondeau and Melody Frame (19)
  • Other Zines, Other Views (fanzine reviews by Dixie Owen) (21)
  • Unshot by Jim Rondeau (23)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (30)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 27

I really liked #27, the letters were interesting, and it might be nice to give them more space if some good discussions get going.

The two short stories were really high quality. "The Emperor's Visitor" and "The Other Side" were, in fact, the most well written and meaningful I've read in "The Clipper Trade Ship" for quite a long time.

Back to the letters, here's some feedback to Matt's. I do think that television has cut down on reading, especially for younger kids. If they have a choice to check out a book and take it home and try to read it while the others are all watching TV with the volume blaring through the house, they may just settle for the easier and non-creative course. I would be interested to hear from people who were born in the 50's and didn't have a TV. Anyone out there? I was one of that minority whose parents were into reading out loud to each other and who considered TV an unnecessary eyestrain, so I never had nor wanted a TV till I was 25 (nor a record player either). So what was the result of the deprivation? My parents were the only ones to complain I was taking home too many books from the library! Also, I had time for hobbies of great diversity. That is one lack I notice among TV viewers. TV viewing is a hobby, but it certainly is a non-creative, passive one.

Now to comment on Trekkers losing sight of reality? Oh good grief! How many, where, when? It is a most creative, intelligent group, who are looking towards ideals rather than staying bogged down in some "reality" of an 8 to 5 job - go home, eat supper and watch TV the rest of the night. That's the average reality of most lives. Trek fans are creative— they write stories, illo stories, publish high quality zines, do poetry, get cons going. I thought I'd never attempt poetry or stories or drawing people until I was inspired by my love of Star Trek, which came about, would you believe, from reading the stories by Blish. I had read them all, then got a tape collection before I ever saw it on TV. I still have yet to see a number of episodes. The reason I did pick up the books, though, was because about 10 years earlier I had one glimpse of a ST episode on some hotel TV and was interested in the non-emotional alien (then my dad who can't stand non-realistic SF turned it off). So, because of ST, I really can't knock TV. I rarely watch it though, and even then begrudge it the time I could have spent doing something creative. So the end result, with or without a TV, comes out the same, sometimes, at least, depending on one's parents — especially in regard to TV-inspired violence.

My only other TV favorites are Starsky and Hutch and Soap! How's that for diversity!

One more thing. I think all ST fans should write to Paramount asking them to continue ST via a TV series. That way instead of blowing all their money on one big movie which may again have A+ special effects and C- on plot, we can have a variety of stories, and more chance to see the characters in varying activities. Each letter is counted. [15]

I've seen the Star Trek movie 26 times at this writing. It's not perfect (obviously), but after more than ten years of waiting, it's what we got. Let's face it, if we don't support this Star Trek movie, there won't be any more Star Trek movies, TV episodes, specials, or anything! After all the time and efforts of so many fans, are we going to let a lot of nit-picking and feuding destroy our progress? My feeling is, even if you don't like the movie, at least give it a chance. See it a few times, show the $-eyed men of Paramount that at least you're interested. If they decree that another Star Trek movie is possible, then that's the time to fire off all your complaints and suggestions to Mr. Roddenberry and the rest. That's how we can get the kind of movie that we Trekkers really wanted. [16]

Your stories in this issue are, to put it mildly, thought - provoking. I'm not insane about Time Travel stories, but the one with "Hephaestus" (or Vulcan????) was a good parody of Robert Graves. And "The Other Side" gave an interesting insight into Human psychology.

The Elfl story — oy, vey, another "pun" story. I'm getting a little fed up with them. Even in Issac Asimov's SF Magazine they are basically shaggy dog stories, and the Elfl series is getting just plain silly. Or maybe I'm getting old and cranky. Anyways, I wish you'd find another vehicle for dumb puns.

Lee Roberts' backstage look at The Movie — gosh, I wish I'd been there It didn't last all that long on the screen, but you can't say the folks didn't do their best. On screen, it came over just great!

Keep on Trekkin'-- [17]

I enjoyed TCTS #27 very much, perhaps because of the renewed emphasis on STAR TREK. Clare Bell's "The Emperor's Visitor" was excellent. This opens doors to a wide range of possible ST stories — can "The Enterprise meets the Bellamy Family" be far off? "The 3rd Elfl Tale" was a delight, despite the mediocre title. Long live the Elfls!

An ad in the Cargo Hold caught my attention: a ST fanzine featuring a nude portrait of Spock. I am not offended by the naked body, but I still object to this. Does fandom really need this? What purpose will it serve? After a few moments of thought, the purpose becomes clear — it is merely a cheap ploy to get you to buy a fanzine. This is what I object to most.

Since I don't have a wide circle of ST friends, I'm pretty much in the dark as to how the fans are accepting "Star Trek — The Motion Picture." Am I sticking my neck out when I say that I liked it? The characters look good and axe in pretty good form (especially McCoy), the Big E looks bigger and more beautiful than ever before, the special effects range from adequate to spectacular, and the storyline, although it contains shades of things we've seen before, is intelligent and thought-provoking. Is it STAR TREK? I say yes. [18]

[The editor responds to the above letter]: Why nude portraits? Why Playboy, Playgirl, & Playkid? People draw them because they want to,
 people buy them because they want to. Some fans are intrigued with certain characters more than other, especially Spock, and have a natural desire to, if you'll pardon the expression, flesh out the character from what's been presented on the idiot box. Sexual curiosity and desire is not unnatural. The fans draw it because they are interested (and write it as well), print it because they are interested, and buy it because they are interested. They are not unintelligent enough to buy a fanzine only because it has a nude portrait or centerfold, they buy a fanzine for many reasons; it is not a cheap ploy. Those who print them are catering to a demand, besides wishing to share their creation. And nude ST portraits have been printed now for over a decade, the most famous being the nude Sulu centerfold professional fantasy artist George Barr did years ago. I'm not saying that I approve of it, but I do find it harmless. Star Trek characters aren't one dimensional, you know. They do have private parts, and though it was never suggested on TV, one can safely presume they're allowed to go potty every once in a while. *Please excuse my ranting here, it's a personality fault of mind, I'm always trying to get people to take a closer look at an opposing view, trying to make them think and understand a little as to how a person can have such an opposing view — I don't necessarily try to get them to change their view, just teach them a little respect for the other side. It's a principle of IDIC, something most ST fans don't seem to understand.* [19]

Just received TCTS #27, and feel compelled to write you a short LoC (the very first one, I think!). I unsuspectingly opened TCTS #27 to the issue's first story, "The Emperor's Visitor or King Log's Epilog," by Clare Bell, and unsuspectingly started reading. Seven words into the story, an expression of delight spread across my face, and I couldn't help grinning. Oboyoboyoboy! An "I, Claudius" story in a fanzine! About time, too! My sincere thanks to both you for printing Clare's story, and to Clare for writing it. She's got Robert Graves' style down to a T, and my only two complaints are that l) the story isn't longer, and 2) there was no accompanying artwork. Encore, encore! [20]

Issue 28

The Clipper Trade Ship 28 was published in April 1980 and contains 36 pages.

front cover of issue #28, Man from Atlantis by Signe Landon
back cover of issue #28, S.L.

250 copies were printed.

Contributors: Signe Landon, Ruth Berman, Dixie G. Owen, Gloria-Ann Rovelstad, Frank Panucci, Melody Frame, Steve Anderson, Kirk Trummel, Dian Hardison, Sandra Robnett, Steven K. Dixon, Cynthia Case, Susan Laderman, Alicia Austin, J. Alan Tyler, and Gennie Summers.

  • Sun Dragons, poem by Ruth Berman (inside front cover)
  • In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (19)
  • Other Zines, Other Views (fanzine reviews by Dixie G. Owen, Gloria-Ann Rovelstad) (1)
  • Lifetime, a Man From Atlantis story by Dian Hardison (5)
  • Letters of Comment (13)
  • Dreamspeak, a M'ress (Star Trek Animated) story by Melody Frame (23)
  • Unshot (25)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (33)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 28

Of course I'm delighted with Dreamspeak. It's so hard to get anyone to write about M'Ress that I can hardly conplain just because someone is approaching the character by another path. Since there is so little tack-ground material on her, anything could work just fine. I have my own interpretations, but I don't own the character. And it's the different approaches which make it a]l the more interesting for me, even should I not agree with them all. [21]

I really enjoyed TCTS #28, especially Dian Hardison's Man From Atlantis story. I always wondered how Mark was able to understand and speak English so easily, after he was brought to the FOR. (Although how Mark picked up those few English words before meeting him is still a mystery.) Being a Man From Atlantis fan I hope Dian will write other stories in upcoming issues. By the way, I thought Sandra Robnett's and Signe Landon's pictures of Mark were great.

Melody's Storm was well done. I didn't know that sf & fantasy consists of superheroes. Speaking of which, what was that picture on p. 20 suppose to be? Super Melody? Her story on M'Ress was interesting. It showed interesting insight into M'Ress' past, which I would like to see more of. LL&P. [22]

#28 was up to your usual high standards. I didn't see anything wrong with the typing. It was a heck of a lot better than my original — and about 5 fanzines I could name off the bat, for another. The artwork was okay. I would have liked to have seen the original of Robnett's illo on p. 10. Melody's superfemmes are hilarious... Sail on! [23]

Issue 29

The Clipper Trade Ship 29 was published in July 1980 and contains 32 pages. In this issue, Jim and Melody announce they are getting married. :)

front cover of issue #29, Signe Landon
back cover of issue #29, Amy Falkowitz, an example of scratchboard art
Jim and Melody announce they are getting married: "Wish us luck!"

250 copies were printed.

Contributors: Signe Landon, Amy Falkowitz, Miriam Pace, Elaine Tripp, Gloria-Ann Rovelstad, Kent Bingham, Laura Virgil, Lizette Leveille, Gennie Summers, Terrence O. Knova, Melody Rondeau, Jim Rondeau.

From the editorial, comments on the postal service:

Speaking of mail — and I say this whilst stepping onto my size 34 soapbox — there isn't a fan that doesn't gripe about the postal system, right? Wrong. If anything, Melody and I salute postal workers in general. You who complain look only at the rare cases where something goes wrong. What percentage of your mail arrives undamaged in a reasonable amount of time? 99.9%? You who complain about packages being ripped open, fanzines hanging out, Denebian slime stains soaking through letters — in most cases, how well was the item packaged in the first place? Probably not very well. Not enough padding, not enough reinforcement to the weak edges of the manilla [sic] envelopes, not sealed sufficiently. I've received packages so poorly wrapped or sealed that it's a miracle they didn't arrive empty.

Genuine mishaps occur, but the postal service is responsible for, perhaps, one out of every one hundred accidents — or less. The fault usually lies with the individual doing the mailing. And it's not just the packaging, it's also the addressing. Each city has to correct up to several thousand addresses a day, work with bad zip codes, decipher illegible handwriting, and track down the recipients of mail where the spelling of the address is so bad it looks like magic if it gets delivered. There is something to a proper zip code; it's the only way all those pieces of mail addressed to Jim in "Los Angeles" got to him in Los Altos.

It short, it's the people outside the postal system that are primarily responsible for what few problems the postal system has. Do you think you could do any better?

  • In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (1)
  • Letters of Comment (2)
  • I B U S, Quark fiction "based on a mistake by Alan Dean Foster," by Terrence O. Knova (4)
  • The Loneliest Number, Trek fiction with a focus on the character of "Miri," by Miriam Pace (22)
  • Identiclip by Lizette Leveille (24)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (30)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 29

People, if you're short on funds, I'd gladly pay twice the cover price for every issue, IBUS was fantastic. I laughed so hard that my father demanded to read it. This was his first experience with science fiction in any form. World, we have gained a convert. Need I say more?

And Starbuck meets Solo? Ohh, nooo. The short insight on Miri was well thought out and wonderfully done. More of Trek's incidental characters deserve such second looks. Congratulations to Miriam for her perfect solution in this case—what do you do with a ten thousand year lifespan l (l month/hundred years—remember?) except explore an infinite universe?

Who drew the Luke? Can't
 read it but whoever it is can capture moods. And Landon's Obi-wan is an excellent piece of artwork. Very... thought provoking. As for Identiclip and all the rest — geez, you guys can always start an encyclopedia. [24]

I just got TCTS #29. FANTASTIC! "I B U" S" is undoubtedly the best parody I've ever seen on the movie. My compliments to the author. Fortunately I've seen two episodes of "Quark" and knew who everyone was. The series (small it may have been) was not shown here in the metropolitan area of Atlanta because (and this is what the person I spoke with actually said) "we (at WSB) know it's going to be cancelled." That was the phone call made after two episodes were shown. Talk about stupidity.

"The Loneliest Number" was a logical conclusion to "Miri." Miriam Pace has a fine style of writing, and the vignette is a definitely a winner. Artwork was far superior to most fanzines (including my own as the writer of the letter turns green with envy and pointed ears). [25]

I'm in heaven! "I B U S" was one of the most enjoyable stories I've read in TCTS in a long time. I guess I'm biased — I was very fond of Quark before its untimely demise. I was not overly fond of "Alien", and the parody on ST-TMP...*sigh* Lovely! My compliments to Terrance O. Knova. "The Loneliest Number" was also excellent -- where'd you find all that great fiction?

Who's scratchboard on the back cover? And the picture of Luke on page 23? I love Ficus and the Bettys. [26]

Issue 30

The Clipper Trade Ship 30 was published in October 1980 and contains 32 pages.

front cover of issue #30, Signe Landon
back cover of issue #30, Dennis Dorris

250 copies were printed.

Artists: Signe Landon, Larua Virgil, Peggy Hogan, Gennie Summers, Terry Lipanovich, Bill Anderson, J. Alan Tyler, R.G. Pollard, Melody Rondeau, Dennis Dorris, Carrie Dougherty, Sandy Robnett, C.L. Healy, Susan Landerman, S.K. Dixon, Sheryl Adsit, Gloria-Ann Rovelstad.

From the editorial:

Welcome to the thirtieth issue of THE CLIPPER TRADE SHIP (TCTS) — and farewell.

The farewell is to all of you whose subscription runs out with this issue and won't be renewing. That's quite a number—as was with last issue—partly because this issue marks the passing of most third class and complimentary subscriptions. The feast is over, the famine begins.

Those of you who remain in the thinned ranks, thanks. But some of you don't get off that easy — we need your support. Once more we are coming up short on fiction. Those of you who enjoy being amateur wordsmiths, we would appreciate it if you would consider us as a place for works to see the light of day. This issue cleans out our file, a fine Man From Atlantis piece from Dian Hardison that takes place following the conclusion of the pilot movie, but that is all — not even empty promises for future issues. So come on—support your local 50 & 100 fanzine. Please?

Part of the problem is that we haven't been able to act like "normal" fanzine editors (as though I ever did) the past three months, like trying to track down new material. I wish it were only wedded bliss that kept us so occupied, but, alas, it was many other things — company, conventions, and such. We have yet to catch up on mail, and I have not been able to work on new film clip packet titles. Melody has been the savior of the day with respects to this issue; she's found the time to put most of it together, whereas I've spent about all of one weekend. But now that the various external pressures are apparently easing off, and we're comfortably settling in with more and more bookshelves being built to handle our boxed collection, maybe someday I'll be able to do my fair share.

Unfortunately, lost in the confusion of the past three months was a letter of comment that found strongly objectionable one of the one-liner fillers in last issue's ad section. I do not know who wrote the letter or recall accurately what was said, but I have the impression that the person found the one-liner very anti-Star Trek, and hence (possibly) so were we.

Not so.

Not at all.

We are definitely Star Trek fans, but then again we are science fiction fans, fantasy fans, animation fans, Danny Kaye fans — in short, we are not limited in what we are fans of. We are mature enough to be able to laugh at ourselves, make fun of our hobbies, but not slap them down. The humor attempted was to remind us Star Trek fans that we are fallible, that we can be wrong—to be ugly, that we are human. Somehow we missed the mark. (Or is it that Star Trek fans can never be wrong, and since we are wrong we are not fans, therefore the one-liner was indeed anti-Star Trek?) To all those who misunderstood our intentions, we are sorry.

Yet something in this incident nags at my mind, something about Star Trek fans' tolerance of other fandoms. It reminds me of the too many outspoken Star Trek fans that I have run across that believe so much in their program but absolutely do not believe in one of the more important concepts the show presents. I speak of IDIC (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations), a Vulcan concept promoting the tolerance for others and the ways of others in a respective way. These fans do not tolerate all other fandoms, and can be downright prejudiced against some of them. It does no good to point out what we consider to be a deficiency in their way of thinking; one cannot argue with a closed mind. We realize, however, that our viewpoint is not necessarily the correct one, either.

Maybe the difference of opinion is regional. There is no longer a separate West Coast Star Trek fandom to speak of; most of us are fans of many things. There hasn't been a Star Trek convention here for years. Star Trek fandom as a separate entity appears to be alive and well on the East Coast. The Midwest remains divided, perhaps changing. Not that it matters, really.

  • In the Captain's Cabin, editorial (1)
  • Letters of Comment (2)
  • Something Gained, Man from Atlantis fiction by Dian Hardison (5)
  • In Miniature, a Buck Rogers article by Paul Czaplicki (12)
  • Art Galley (13)
  • Identiclip Addenda by Richard Heim (21)
  • Other Zines, Other Views (fanzine reviews by Dixie G. Owen and Melody Rondeau) (22)
  • The Cargo Hold, ads (25)

Reactions and Reviews: Issue 30

I have, heretofore, been a member of The Silent Readership due to (choose one) a. lack of time b. intellectual lassitude c. creeping cranial cobwebs.

Last issue (#30) has, as usual, been both informative and enjoyable. "Something Gained," the Man For Atlantis vignette, showcased the characterizations often lacking in the series. The point of the previous, a seemingly aimless statement, is that I truly appreciate you and TCTS; I'm not just adept at sensibly expressing that fact. Spending eight hours daily among the bureaucrats produces a subtle form of mind-rot.

In closing, I'd like to call to your attention to a dangerous new trend afoot (and if perhaps start a new debate) — that of [[the 'Moral Majority']], a group of religious zealots and TV evangelists who have begun to use political pressure and economic sanctions to eliminate 'dangerous' ideas. Their planned media clean-up campaign won't endanger such pablum as "That's Incredible" — but will probably hinder future creative efforts in televised SF. The question for debate is: do such groups have a constitutional right to force their views upon the majority of the population? How do you combat intolerance and reason when no one cares?

So much for my contribution to fear and loathing! [27]

...On to TCTS 30. Another bee-yootiful cover! What a delightful expression! As I've said before, Signe's a real pro. At last you did something I once requested you do — put the art credits in the front! Dunno if it's Melody's influence or whether it's because this was by and large an art issue, but I hope you'll continue the practice. Makes it easier to find out who did the art and saves you from answering inquiries about "who drew that whatsis at the top of page x and the bottom of page y?" (Even if I didn't get credit for page 14... 0 well, my signature was legible. You're forgiven.)

Good to read an amusing personal word from Mate Melody (formerly Maid Melody) among the letters. I was so glad so many others enjoyed IBUS. I found it delightful — a Quark story and a ST spoof in one — who could ask for more?

"Something Gained" was very good — I especially liked it where Mark is puzzling over the dog. "It is...owned?" and "Does it know?" really captures the inner Mark Harris. I always found him such a sympathetic character, so naive and sensitive, yet every inch a man and hero. The art was so enjoyable. I can spend about as much time running my eyes over the detail of the drawings as over a printed page of story. Especially loved Bill Anderson's weird robot and cyborg — beautiful technique — so neat and precise! Hope to see more. Sandra Robnett's Mark Harris is beautifully done — such a good likeness. Melody's work is delightful as ever, from the cute Vulcan-Andorian couple to the little "blab-all, scribble-all" critters. Especially cute is the M'Ress cartoon and the sphinx.. Lastly, Laura Virgil's Chewie and Han illos are magnificent. — I think I've exhausted all my superlatives so I'll leave off with the commenting...

Continurf happiness. [28]

I just got my issue of TGTS #30 and loved it!

I've never written an LoC before, but I really enjoyed your zine and the editorial 
you wrote, so I figured why not?

I agree with what you said about Trek fans, We are human and have falabilities, and if we can't laugh at ourselves then we are in bad shape. I love Trek as much as the next person, but let's face it, folks, it has flaws, just like any other human creation. But it it isn't necessarily bad for it to have flaws, it just proves that even something that isn't perfect can be close.

I love the portfolio of artwork. You're right, art is a very important part of any story, and artists aren't given enough recognition. So three cheers for you for being so responsive.

I liked "Something Gained" by Dian Hardison. I remember the episode she talked about in the story, and she tied them into each other very well. I really enjoyed it. Man From Atlantis had such great possibilities; I was sorry to see it leave the air. There are so few really good shows on nowadays.

Congrat's on your marriage; I hope you'll both be very happy, and somehow I know you will, though I've never met you, just by the letters and your zine I can tell you are both very super people, not to mention Melody being a great artist, and you being a superb editor. I know how much fun editing a zine can be!

Well, that's about it. Keep up the fantastic work, and you don't have to worry — anyone who has good taste will keep their sub to TCTS up, no matter HOW much it costs! I know I will. [29]


  1. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #22
  2. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #22
  3. ^ from an LoC by Nancy Duncan in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #24
  4. ^ from Scuttlebutt #12
  5. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #24
  6. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #24
  7. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #24
  8. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #24
  9. ^ from an LoC in TCTS #26
  10. ^ from an LoC by Cheryl Rice in TCTS #26
  11. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #27
  12. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #27
  13. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #27
  14. ^ from Spin Dizzie #3 (1980)
  15. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #28
  16. ^ from an Loc in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #28
  17. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #28
  18. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #28
  19. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #28
  20. ^ from an LoC by Lori Chapek-Carleton in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #28
  21. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #29
  22. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #29
  23. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #29
  24. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #30
  25. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #30
  26. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #30
  27. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #31
  28. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #31
  29. ^ from an LoC in "The Clipper Trade Ship" #31