The Convenient Husband

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Title: The Convenient Husband
Author(s): Brighid
Date(s): 06 September 2005
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: The Convenient Husband (sga_flashfic, link goes to part one)

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The Convenient Husband is a John/Rodney Stargate Atlantis story by Brighid.

Summary: A marriage of convenience has some very incovenient complications for Rodney, as he deals with the fact that he's still in love with John Sheppard.

Reactions and Reviews

I think by now that we all know that I have a huge weakness for mrriage of convenience fics. In fact, Marriage of Convenience might be my favorite premise after homeless!fic. Which, now that I think about it, might be why I love Harlequin AUs so much. The Convenient Husband is yet another 'must marry someone to get a legacy' fics, but it is surprisingly well done. For one thing, John and Rodney aren't complete strangers -- they were friends as kids and Rodney has had a crush on John for most of his life. For another, Brighid focuses less on the 'OMG sex!' aspect of the marriage (which is taken care of on the wedding night) and more on the 'two people who don't know each other that well suddenly having to learn to live together' aspect, and the result is surprisingly realistic and touching. Add Rodney's very understandable angst over having married someone who doesn't care about Rodney nearly as much as Rodney cares about him and you've got a poignant, engrossing story. (And yes, there is a happy ending, of course:)[1]

This was the first SGA AU that I ever read and it's brilliant - just brilliant. It was written for the Harlequin challenge (oh how I love the Harlequin fics) and the setup is that John needs to marry someone and stay married for a year to gain an inheritance - so why not his old childhood friend Rodney as gay marriage is legal in Canada?[2]

Once again one of my favourite genre’s Harlequin romance SGA style. John and Rodney have been friends since childhood but have not seen each other for a few years but meet up again in Canada. For John this is an amazing opportunity. In order to inherit from his grandmother John must marry for at least a year to keep his company… what more can I say? Harliquin! Romance! [3]

A quick hot shot of domestic happiness… actually this one is pretty lengthy but it reads fast. It's so cute the way John and Rodney just kind of fall into domestic life sighhhhh… I love domesticated Mcshep sigh …[4]

McKay/Sheppard. AU, and one of the best of the Harlequin Challenge stories (which means the bar was already pretty high). John needs to get married to get an inheritance. After a chance run-in with an old childhood friend, John thinks he may have stumbled across a solution to his problem. Unfortunately, Rodney's love for John goes far beyond 'convenience'. I can't say how many times I've re-read this story. 145K[5]

This is another of the excellent fics that came out of the sga_flashfic Harlequin challenge, which I suspect was one of the most successful challenges ever. It's a great cliche fic, rejoicing in all the elements of the pretend marriage cliche (a staple of Harlequin books so thoroughly appropriate for this challenge) and managing to make it uniquely John and Rodney at the same time. It's not too far from the SGA world - modern setting and Rodney has worked on the Stargate project - but it's definitely an AU. The details, the relationship between the characters and the humour all make this a lovely rainy afternoon read.[6]

I - oh - it’s pure fluff. Funny, adorable fluff.[7]

Inspired Fanworks


  1. ^ jane_elliot in epic_recs. The Convenient Husband by Brighid (NC-17), 12 July 2007 (Accessed 05 March 2015)
  2. ^ "More SGA recs". Archived from the original on 2021-06-07.
  3. ^ "Rec from melodysparks at stargateficrec, May 17, 2013". Archived from the original on 2023-02-08.
  4. ^ "Stargate Atlantis AU". Archived from the original on 2023-02-08.
  5. ^ "JR's Parlor Fanfic Recommendations". Archived from the original on 2023-02-05.
  6. ^ "Haven Reviews". Archived from the original on 2023-02-08.
  7. ^ "April 12, 2015 Tumblr post". Archived from the original on 2023-02-08.