The Divine Cycle

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Title: The Divine Cycle
Author(s): DragonGirl180
Date(s): May 25, 2020
Length: 20,057 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Miraculous Ladybug
External Links: fic, archived vers.
art, archived vers.
The Divine Cycle banner.jpg

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The Divine Cycle is a GabeNath fanfiction written for the GabeNath Mini Bang. It is rated T for Teen And Up Audiences, with the Archive warning Major Character Death. The fic was beta-read by GranadaCtonica and art was provided by DuskDragon39.

Fic Info

Additional Tags

  • Reincarnation, star crossed lovers, Angst, Fluff, Revenge, lot of jumping between different times here, brief drug reference, Implied Sexual Content, Prophetic Dreams, Murder, GabeNath Minibang 2020, Historical References


  • One sentence is all it takes for Gabriel’s world to come crashing down. Now he’s having incredibly detailed dreams about people he’s never met and events that happened centuries ago. He thinks he is going mad until Nooroo reveals that he knows more than he’s been letting on. When long buried secrets are dug up, will Gabriel be able to make the right choice, or will he fail yet again?


By July 2020, The Divine Cycle had received 45 comments, the majority of which were positive. A few are included below:

You've outdone yourself! This is a phenomenal piece. I love the way we share in Gabriel's confusion and gradual discovery of what's going on. And that ending? For a moment I thought Nathalie was going to walk out on him and be left thinking he was insane - but she remembered and they broke the cycle! It was a real treat to read this. Beautiful work. <3

-- NotGarfield

I liked it. The different lives are really cool.. Never seen something like this done

-- Savmart32

You've managed to create an epic in Mini Bang format, and that deserves applause all on its own.

I love the way that the mystery builds, starting with those seeds of doubt and then coming further to life as memories seep back in. The way the past lives have been layered in is so careful in its execution, and the reveals happen at the best time to show the tragedy that has been unfolding over past incarnations.

As others have said, the Russia scene is really the icing on the cake in terms of the tragedy, and it comes at the perfect time. The relief at the end is so great, when Gabriel and Nathalie are finally able to break the curse and find each other before it's too late.

-- MyMayura