The Doctor & Donna Noble

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Gen Relationship
Relationship: The Doctor & Donna Noble
Alternative name(s): tendonna, doctordonna
Fandom: Doctor Who
Type: Gen - Friends
Canonical?: Yes
Prevalence: Common
See also:
" illustration of Donna and the Tenth Doctor standing next to each other with elbows links and smiling at each other. Text reads 'The Doctor and Donna Noble'"
Character Challenge - D - Donna and the Doctor by Corrupted-Ciphers (2021)
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The Doctor & Donna Noble is the platonic relationship between Donna Noble and The Doctor.


Donna is a companion to the Tenth Doctor for one special and one full season. At the end of that season Donna's memories were erased, because during the Meta-Crisis she took on the powers and memories of a Time Lord. Her brain could not handle this, so all her memories of her time with the Doctor were erased for her own protection.

When the Doctor regenerated into the Fourteenth Doctor he had the same face as Ten. He ran into Donna almost immediately, and because of a crisis situation where the were trying to stop an alien called The Meep, Donna was forced to remember her original time with the Doctor, but it did not destroy her as it should have, because she had shared her power/memories with her daughter. They went on to have more adventures, and then Fourteen settled down in semi-retirement with Donna and her family.

The Doctor has called Donna his "best friend in the whole universe" in canon.


In fanworks Donna is mostly put together with the Tenth or Fourteenth Doctors, similar to canon. Although rare, you can find fanworks where she is with other versions of the Doctor, usually Eleven, Twelve, or Thirteen.

Common Tropes and Storylines in Fanworks

  • Case Fic/Mission Fic: similar to canon episodes, where Donna and the Doctor fly around time and space and have to help people out of dangerous situations
  • Donna Gets her Memories Back: before Donna regained her memories in canon, there were many canon divergent or fix-it stories that concentrated on ways in which Donna could keep her memories, or get her memories back and not be harmed. Although, some fans chose to ignore the memory erasure all together in their fanworks.
  • Hurt/Comfort: usually with the Doctor being hurt and Donna providing the comfort, although the opposite can also be found. Because the Doctor is rather resilient, many fanworks will concentrate on emotional hurt/comfort instead of physical whump.




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