The Expert Neighbor

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Title: The Expert Neighbor
Author(s): A.T. Bush
Date(s): 1990
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The Expert Neighbor is a Kirk/Spock story by A.T. Bush.

It was published in the print zine Counterpoint #3.


"Kirkʼs help in getting Spock through the discomfort caused by his aborted pon farr turns out to be only Kirkʼs wishful dream."

Reactions and Reviews

AT Bush has the unbelievable knack of writing the best sex scenes ever. A very appealing matter-of-fact approach. In the space of 30 pages, she manages to deliver two masturbation scenes, one blow job and two intercourse scenes. Sorry for summing them up, but I couldn't believe my eyes at first and I truly had to count them. The amazing thing is that they aren't boring at all and that's a feat. How about that? Combined with a very good characterization, I could read it again and again and it won't make me skip scenes, which if I'm brutally honest has happened with other authors. I have to say it has turned out to be one of my favorite AT Bush stories. And yes, there's a story too, dealing with Spock's aborted pon farr. So help yourself. [1]


  1. ^ from The K/S Press #36