The Herbie Series

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Title: The Herbie Series
Author(s): Silver, Diamond, and Skip
Date(s): 1998 or earlier
Genre(s): humor
Fandom(s): Newsies
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The Herbie Series is a lost work or forgotten fandom in-joke known to the early Newsies Mailing List. It won best comedy in the Angie Lynn Fan Fic Contest in 1998.

Fics in Series

It's a Frigged Up World By Diamond and Silver

In Which Herbie is Accused of Being An Alienoid By Diamond

In Which Blink's Tears Cause An Inferno...Herbie By Skip and Silver

In Which Blink Gets "Scouted" and We Meet...Bob By Diamond and Silver

Reactions, References, and Reviews

Basically the Herbie series has been lost to the world for some time now, so, most of all Newsies fans now don't know what it is. I've never read it before either, but have heard a lot of things about it like being the most funnest fic written. It's about - I think - a chicken newsie? Hmm…

Coneflower Adams[1]

It's a loverly day, ain't it? Have you seen any chickens passing by at anytimes lately? No? Beware...They're out to get you! Especially chickens named Herbie. Are you a chicken named Herbie? You're not? Darn it.

