The Hostage Major

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Title: The Hostage Major
Author(s): Frostfire
Date(s): 14 September 2005
Length: 15,625 words
Genre: slash fanfiction
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: The Hostage Major (sga_flashfic)

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The Hostage Major is a John/Rodney story by Frostfire. It was written for the sga_flashfic Harlequin Challenge.

Recs and Reviews

the hostage major 1 & 2, by frostfire. sheppard/mckay. a long, slightly silly and rather rolicking harlequin challenge fic. john pov, lots of fun dialogue and cuteness.[1]

Why this must be read: Last summer's Harlequin challenge on sga_flashfic had an incredible impact, spawning a hundred stories at the time and leaving behind a legacy of longer romantic stories accessible to people coming into the fandom. There were a lot of different approaches taken o the challenge, and this story is interesting in that it took the summary for a contemporary Harlequin novel and adapted it for SGA, making John Sheppard 'The Hostage Bride.' It also plays with another fannish trope in SGA, that of Rodney McKay as a reclusive mastermind -- maybe criminal, maybe not -- wealthy, powerful, and completely in-control. Watching that image slowly crack and shatter as he falls in love with John is lovely, and the story contains one of my favorite moments of understated emotion in it. The dialog is snappy, and the way the Stargate universe is integrated is interesting, and the romance well-drawn. I found it a great read. [2]

This story is well-written crack in the best possible way. It has Rodney kidnapping John for his own good (ie. to stop him from marrying a woman he doesn't really like much for money). The two men play off each other brilliantly and sound perfectly in-character despite the ridiculous situation.[3]


  1. ^ cimorene. Recs: Stargate, via Wayback. (Accessed 22 May 2015)
  2. ^ rec at Crack Van, June 2006
  3. ^ "Rec by morena_evensong in stargateficrec". Archived from the original on 2023-06-13.