The Last Worthless Evening

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Title: The Last Worthless Evening
Author(s): Anne Hedonia
Date(s): January 15, 2001
Length: 5,140 words
Genre(s): Adult
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Placebo

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The Last Worthless Evening is an explicit Doggett/Scully X-Files story by Anne Hedonia. It received the Puppy Love Award for Best DSR in the Spookys 2001.

Reactions and Reviews

DSR (Doggett/Scully romance) existed before Anne Hedonia, but it wouldn't be too far off the mark to say that she was the author who made it respectable. And while all of her stories are fantastic, this is the one that really set the stage for what came after. Written towards the beginning of S8, but set late in a S9 that could have been, but wasn't, it explores how Doggett and Scully's relationship might have developed had Mulder been missing for more than six months.

Her Doggett is noble and aware (even of his own weakness), her Scully is wounded but still standing--not ready to give up on finding Mulder, but beginning to face and accept the possibility of a life without him--and the pivotal moment in the story where the relationship becomes something more than just substitutionary is believable and heartbreakingly honest. There are no promises here, except the promise of hope.

And if that doesn't convince you to read about the fact that there are die-hard Mulder/Scully 'Shippers who have read, loved and even recommended it in the past? *grin* [1]

This is not the best DSR story ever, or even the best DSR story by Anne Hedonia, but what it *is*? Is the story that gave this 'ship street cred and set the bar for everything that came after it. There were other DSR stories before it, but IMO this was the first to really deal head on with the inherent complexities of putting Scully in a relationship with someone other than Mulder, and Doggett in particular. Which is why to this it day remains one of my favorites. It's about the moment when grieving gives way to something else, and to say much more than that would spoil it. So I'll just conclude with if you have *any* Doggett/Scully leanings at all, or even if you don't but are okay with Scully moving on *if* Mulder is gone, then this is definitely a must-read.[2]

Written long before we knew when or under what circumstances Mulder would be back and set months after Scully's baby is born, therefore now AU. Basically, Scully and Doggett have been sleeping together for some time. Doggett knows Scully is just using him as a substitute for Mulder, but can't bring himself to break it off despite wanting more from her and being sure he'll never get it. This is about the night that everything changes, the first time it means something. Considered by many, and justly, IMO, to be the definitive DSR fic.[3]


  1. ^ Crack Van, August 2004
  2. ^ het reccers, October 2009
  3. ^ rec50, 2006