The Mad Scientist Strikes

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Bodie/Doyle Fanfiction
Title: The Mad Scientist Strikes
Author(s): Anne Higgins
Date(s): 1997
Length: 98K
Genre: slash, AU
Fandom: The Professionals
External Links:
*Story Link on The Circuit Archive
*Author on The Circuit Archive

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"The Mad Scientist Strikes" is a Professionals story written by Anne Higgins.

It is a slash story with the pairing of Bodie/Doyle, and was originally published in Variations on the Theme of B and D by Keynote Press in 1997. It was posted to The Circuit Archive on December 31, 2003.

Reviews and Reactions

I love discussions about controversial stories. In the past I have sometimes arrived at a conclusion about a fic only to have my opinion changed as a result of another reader’s insights. The dullest fic discussions are those where everyone likes the story and only has good things to say about it. Thus the choice for this month’s assignment.

There is so much to find fault with in this story. Anne Higgins’ recurrent theme of Cowley-is-Bodie’s-father is completely preposterous but I have been able to ignore it in some of her other stories that otherwise appeal to me. The lads and their boss being on a first-name basis grates on my nerves. Their ease with each other because they are a “family” I find ludicrous. I probably find it all more bothersome than usual here because of the overt displays of affection that C bestows on B. I have nothing against an AU per se, but this one is just wrong!

This author is generally a competent writer, but I do cringe at some of her word choices: he felt his own sense of balance lurch…, Sights, sounds, even scents swirled around his drug-fogged senses…… his grizzly research. But this is minor quibbling.

The truth is that, despite its flaws, I do like this story.

Firstly, her characterization of B is spot on. Bodie had always considered himself a practical man -- whatever happened was dealt with as swiftly as possible with a minimal amount of fuss. and …he suspected the only thing keeping him from screaming hysterics was the knowledge that in all those old movies there was always a reverse switch. He just had to find the fucking machine to use it.

Yes – canon B is pragmatic and I can believe that this would be his reaction.

I think the author does a brilliant job in portraying B’s new experiences and attempts to cope with life as a woman. Of course, there are the obvious differences – breasts, long hair, comparative physical weakness, his realization that he needs to be re-trained in fighting. If Doyle and Cowley couldn't stop from treating him differently, how could anyone else? How could he keep his sense of self intact? The author addresses so many little details, all of which help me empathize with poor B.

I also am greatly amused by D’s reactions to the change in his partner. I love his gentleness and tact with B. When he compliments B he tries so hard to point out things that haven’t changed, but he keeps getting it wrong! The greatest example of this is the way he makes love to B. It seemed that in trying to assure Bodie that his new body did not change things, he'd made him fear just the opposite. I empathize with D, too.

D’s idea to get married while they legally can is so romantic. His declaration of how he really feels about B is wonderful: I am desperately, hopelessly in love with what's behind here," he whispered, his lips brushing against Bodie's forehead. "You turn into a gorilla, I move to the jungle and learn how to swing from trees.

The twist at the end serves to give the story a bit more poignancy in my mind.

Body swap themes in both film and fiction make me think, so this story fills that bill. I believe the author has done a good job in depicting the various problems, both physical and psychological, that Bodie would encounter if he became a woman.

The plot becomes a bit loose (looser?) when B goes to the estate. Why does he go so far in advance of his backup? He is supposed to disable the gas system, but I would have thought that the other CI5 agents would be on the premises before he went in.

I'm glad the rape isn't dwelt upon, and I understand the point that for B it is as if he's watching it happen to someone else. His body isn't really his, so to speak.

I love B's bravery in not thinking twice about taking the risk to undergo a reversal procedure and D's not making a fuss because he realizes that it's B's decision.[1]


  1. ^ 2011 comments by metabolick, prosrecs, Archived version