The Midas Syndrome

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Title: The Midas Syndrome
Author(s): rheanna
Date(s): March 31, 1999
Length: 16176 words
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Stargate SG-1
External Links: The Midas Syndrome at AO3
The Midas Syndrome (Palimpsest)

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The Midas Syndrome is a gen Stargate SG-1 story by rheanna.

Reactions and Reviews

This story was alternately funny and horrifying. Imagine, if you will, if everything you touched rotted away around you...scary, no? I really love this story; it's clever and well-crafted.[1]

Fans Comment on the Story Ten Years Later

... that story about Jack and how everything started rotting around him, including the food he ate, so they sent him off-world to die alone? And then he peed and there was moss! And everything was okay again?...It was The Midas Syndrome! Seriously, one of my favourite pieces of fanfic EVER.... Her SG1 stories were legendary. I think The Midas Syndrome was the first SG1 story I ever read.[2]

Good storytelling has a long lifeline. I adore The Midas Syndrome. I also adore long, plotty, character-oriented gen.[3]

Oh! That story! I loved that story! And I forget the name and author of it regularly (because some things just don't stick in my memory)! [4]

The author replies:

I gotta say, it's really, really lovely to know someone's got happy memories of something I wrote (good grief) over ten years ago. Thank you! [5]
