The Pact

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Title: The Pact
Author(s): Madeleine Partous
Date(s): June 17, 1997
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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The Pact is an X-Files story by Madeleine Partous.

Reactions and Reviews

Madeleine Partous is too hard on herself. I loved "The Pact," and I didn't care how long it took her to write it. It's my good luck that she finished it over the Summer so I can suggest it here. "The Pact" is part of her "Floaters" universe, but you don't have to have read that to understand this story. Mulder and Scully investigate the disappearances of many New York homeless people at the tendrils of a mysterious black cloud. Partous likes her MSR, but fans of x-file stories should be reading, because that's a big strength of Partous' writing. She writes clever mystery stories with unique scenes and plot twists. Partous said she might be taking a break from XF-writing, which is as understandable as it is a shame. Her stories are practically novel-length, and much better than the XF "novels" that have been printed so far.[1]


  1. ^ REVIEW: Fan Fic, Summer '97 3/4, Archived version , also see REVIEW: Fan Fic, Summer '97 for the controversy reviews on this post caused in fandom