The Photographer

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Title: The Photographer
Author(s): J. Robinson
Date(s): 2000ish
Length: 5 chapters
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Carnival Hanson

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The Photographer is a Hanson fanfic written by J Robinson.

Each chapter of this story shows a different perspective on a Hanson photoshoot, as each brother learns to play to their strengths and show off their individual sexualities.

Reactions and Reviews

Admit it, you went to and you cried when it disappeared! Once Hanson became legal, writers just went off the deep end. Sexy stories were everywhere—good and bad. Some were just porn, but some were great stories. J. Robinson was the best and while most of her stories are gone, she’s come back to us and has given us a few morsels to enjoy. “The Photographer” is in no way a sexual story, yet, it’ll jump start those hormones all the same![1]

All three personalities are captured perfectly, insecurities, vanity, hesitance and all, and it is a striking slice of writing that stays with you long after you're done reading. And that last paragraph? I can't get that image out of my head at all. Good, good stuff. Count on it.[2]


The Photographer is featured in the Various Artists hall of fame.
