The Road Not Taken (Quantum Leap story)

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Title: The Road Not Taken
Author(s): Ann Marie Tajuddin
Date(s): 22-Oct 1996
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Quantum Leap
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The Road Not Taken is a gen Quantum Leap story written by Ann Marie Tajuddin.

It was posted to in 1996.

From the author: "... the copywrite stuff. About how I owe the usage to these 2 wonderful characters to DPB and all that. This I have to write for the man who didn't even know there were QL novels for a while." [1]


Sam leaps into a woman who is going to be killed in a week. But what is he there for in the meantime?

Very different from "Window to the Future", but still an "Al" story. [2]


Reactions and Reviews

Sam leaps into one Katrina Rimsky, September 1953. And Al hates her even before he sees her. What is going on? Al is acting very cagey and abrupt and Sam tries (with limited success) to get him to unburden himself. If you read between the lines, you will guess Katrina's identity before Al finally spits it out. I suppose I shouldn't is a pretty vital twist. Of course, once you know, you will realise that Al really has got problems this leap. We learn another middle name for Al...this time it's Joseph. And Sam is Samuel John Beckett (now that should have been Tom's middle name, surely?). This story is very good, especially at getting under Al's skin and psyche as he encounters Katrina. Al fans will LOVE it. I enjoyed it too.[3]


  1. ^ from ql-archive
  2. ^ ql-archive
  3. ^ Fanfic reviews? by Philippa Chapman (August 20, 1998)