The Romance of the Written Word

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Title: The Romance of the Written Word
Date(s): 1994
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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The Romance of the Written Word is a Blake's 7 Avon/Blake story by R. Olivia Brown.

It was published in Avon Calling #3.

Reactions and Reviews

Weird, but good. Almost an a/u. If A had been a virgin, too shy to really get going with Anna, and Blake had slowly become close and seduced him. A rare sweet A/B. I can believe it, just, but can imagine some people couldn't. Definitely for Blake fans (who see his human side and don't just see a driven fanatic).[1]

Well written, but didn't buy this one for a minute. Avon a virgin? I don't think so :) I could believe this was Avon at age 20, but not at ~35 (or however old he's supposed to be in season 1 and 2).[2]

In this fic Jenna guesses how old Avon is - and guesses '28'. Are you shitting me? Anyway. As the other reviewers intimated, this is a strange fic in which Avon is a virgin at 28 38 and he and Blake read the Hobbit together and then have tentative sex. You may not be surprised to learn that... I liked it. Yes, fluffy. Yes, I think Avon has had sex and is ten years older than I am now. Yes, I would ideally want a story where the tension/issue that divides them is specific to them as characters, rather than a general issue (like virginity or, unfortuantely far more often, rape or blake's child abuse charges - at least the latter is canonical) but actually I think the characterisation is not bad at all. Nice dialogue, and Avon is acerbic, even though he's literally a blushing virgin.[3]
