The Scourge of Trion

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Title: The Scourge of Trion
Author(s): Ellen Fremedon
Genre(s): slash
External Links: The Scourge of Trion

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The Scourge of Trion is a Doctor Who story by Ellen Fremedon.

Reactions and Reviews

The One That Proves, Once and for All, That Fashion Is Truly High-Risk. I Know I Won't Be Wearing Scarves for a While. The Scourge of Trion, by [personal profile] ellen_fremedon. Doctor Who universe, Doctor/Vislor Turlough. (No, I had no idea who this was, either. IT DOESN'T MATTER. READ IT ANYWAY.)

I am used to reading outside my canonical knowledge zone, but Doctor Who takes this to a new level. It's just daunting. I mean, Doctor Who has so much canon that the BBC lost some of it. This doesn't happen with your average canon. (Of course, if the average canon is TV aired on Fox, it doesn't happen because there's only 12 episodes of it. Much easier to keep track of.) There's just - this whole fucking fandom is bigger on the inside, you know?

But. If I thought for a minute that there was existing canon that was even a little like this story, I would go out and purchase every damned episode, I tell you what. I would probably even watch some of them. This story is that good.

And, okay, if you are a Who Alumna, a graduate with honors of Who University, with a degree in Companion Studies and a special certificate in TARDIS Interior Design, then this story is totally for you. But if you've seen only some of the new Who, and you always lose at Pin the Companion on the Doctor, and you couldn't, off-hand, name three doctors who wore bowties - this story is still for you. It doesn't matter if you don't know who these people are when you go in; by the time you come out, you will know who they are. And you will want to know even more. (And, if you're me, will be nodding thoughtfully, wondering if certain people on your friends list imprinted on some of these people - Turlough, for example - way back when. It just strikes me that there are certain people I know who would love this guy.)

I mean, I came out of this wanting more Sarah Jane, and more Turlough, and more Martha Jones, and more Jack Harkness. I even wanted more Doctor, and, in all honesty, there's already quite a lot of Doctor in here. (He can double up, see.) Of course, then sanity prevailed - I only have a handful of decades left to me, and I have to assume that Who scholars have to start young and stay dedicated throughout their lives, eschewing all distractions and occasionally making use of limited temporal anomalies to stay on top of their chosen fandom. But my point is: I came out of this story with happiness in every cell of my body. And then I looked around for more, realized there wasn't any (because, okay, I could get more of the characters, but it cannot possibly be this good), and went back to the beginning and started again.

This is - this is everything you could ever want in a story. With whipped cream and a morally dubious schoolboy-businessman on top.[1]

This story absolutely needs more recognition than it was ever given. It’s an excellent fic that’s more gen than slash and takes us on a whirlwind adventure involving Ten, Jack, Martha, Sarah Jane, Turlough, UNIT, and much, much more. But I can’t spoil it all for you! You will not be disappointed reading this. There is definitely enough Doctor/Master to justify it if you aren’t keen on the other elements, and you don’t need a strong Classic Who background to follow the plot.[2]

It's a space opera.Wonderfully written with an interesting plot. Set before 'Planet of the Dead' for 10 and 'Children of Earth' for Jack.[3]


  1. ^ 208: A Long and Winding Road, thefourthvine, August 15, 2010
  2. ^ "Ultimate Doctor/Master Reclist (1/?)". Archived from the original on 2023-09-03.
  3. ^ "Fanfiction Rec's". Archived from the original on 2023-09-23.