The Smell of Sex

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Title: The Smell of Sex
Author(s): Jeylan
Date(s): 2006
Length: 130K
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links:
online here

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The Smell of Sex is a Starsky/Hutch story by Jeylan.

"DISTRIBUTION & ARCHIVE: Anywhere except Venice Place."


"Summary: They lived in each other's pockets anyway, each other's cars, apartments, lives -- trying things on, tossing things around, switching roles when it suited them."

Reactions and Reviews

The title scared me a bit, but the story is totally worth reading. It's a journey. [1]

....I went through sh_roundup's list to read Jeylan's "Smell of Sex" hosted on your site, and barring a few paragraphs in the middle and at the end, enjoyed it very much. The thing is, I suppose those are the paragraphs that carry the theme for her, just as my own Obligatory Reference to Bisexual Desire is important for me, but can be skipped by straight-guy-slash fans (I mean, some have told me they skip those parts). I actually don't want One True Slash Fanfic Way. At all. Even if it's mine. [2]

One True Slash Fanfic Way would be very boring, of course. I host [at my website] Jeylen's story because I really enjoy it. I believe in the stories, regardless of what's going on behind the scenes or the politics behind them, and I wanted to make this one available. Those few paragraphs you spoke of - they may carry her theme or it may be author intrusion - it's all in the presentation. [3]

I agree in principle, but I do think that kind of thing sticks out so much for me in a story that no matter what the presentation, it seems more awkward and pasted in. I'm sure that's true for readers of my fic who are all "Oh get on with the story, I don't care about the other boys in New York, ick" as well. [4]


  1. ^ Foddey Wrecks
  2. ^ comment by jat sapphire, October 25, 2006 at Hi, My Name Is Ranty McRantypants
  3. ^ comment by kassidy62, October 25, 2006 at Hi, My Name Is Ranty McRantypants
  4. ^ comment by jat sapphire, October 25, 2006 at Hi, My Name Is Ranty McRantypants