The Speed Of The Beat Of My Heart

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Title: The Speed of the Beat of My Heart
Author(s): Michal Salat and Joann Muscolo
Genre(s): Uber
Fandom(s): Xena
External Links: (archived)

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The Speed of the Beat of My Heart is an unfinished Xena alt uber novel by Michal Salat and Joann Muscolo. The story contains BDSM sex scenes.

It was available on their website as of 2003, and was later available on their yahoo group TalkingSpeed, but in 2011 a livejournal fan reported having difficulty getting access to the fic.[1]

Authors' summary:

A brawling, womanizing tattoo artist with a seductive smile and a shady past. A promising young poet and scholar who harbors a secret of her own. When the fates knock these two together, can anything but trouble and heartache lie ahead?

Fan Reactions

Excerpt from a fansite review:

The initial scenes were undeniably fast paced and interesting. After some wonderful repartee to introduce the characters (including one of the funniest bar scenes I think I've ever read) they become attracted, and Harper (Uber-G) becomes one of the first women to spend more than one night in Adrian's (Uber-X) bed. It seems she captures the attention of the older woman by being a natural when it comes to being the submissive partner in BDSM sex.

Unfortunately, I feel like there is too much sex in this story, and if you have a problem with things that seem almost like abuse, a lot of it makes you feel downright uncomfortable. Harper is sometimes too submissive, and the bedroom inequality seems to conflict too much with the characterisations being set up in the rest of the story. BUT, having said that, this story is far from finished, and I feel sure that Harper is not going to let herself be trodden on for much longer...

As with all great pieces of work, it seems that opinions are staunchly divided on this story. Some love the sex but not the story, others love the story but not the sex, still others claim it's the best all round piece of fanfic they've ever read! (Just general comments picked up on various lists) All seem to agree - myself included - that the writing is a cut above your everyday fanfic out there.[2]

2008 forum comment:

For me, this is the uber to end all ubers: "The Speed Of The Beat Of My Heart" by Joann Muscolo and Michal Salat. Unfortunately, these days the only place to get it is by joining the Yahoo Group and downloading the zip file. The first couple of chapters will probably have you hooked, especially if you like it "kinky". Hopefully, someday the author's will get around to adding more to it, but don't fret, it doesn't leave you dangling from a cliff. I could also e-mail the .zip file if anyone doesn't want to join the group.[3]

2009 forum comment:

this has been on the top of my wish pile for years.. I am ever hopeful it will be completed some how some way.[4]
