The Three Body Problem

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Title: The Three Body Problem
Author(s): kisahawklin
Date(s): December 26, 2014
Length: 36843 words
Genre(s): Slash, Poly
Fandom(s): Supernatural
Relationship(s): Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
External Links: A03
Cover art created by wifihunters (2014)

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The Three Body Problem is a Supernatural story focused on the pairing of Castiel/Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester. It was created as part of the 2014 Team Free Will Big Bang. It is often recced to fans of the poly pairing.


Cas asks the Winchesters on a date. Yes, both of them.

The Three Body Problem Series

After the success of the initial story the author went on to write several more pieces set within the same storyline. Most of these stories were shorter afterfics or glimpses of the threesome's Domestic life.

Reactions and Reviews

The Three Body Problem by kisahawklin gets requited but features a lot of initial hesitant!Dean and pining!Sam with a very determined!Cas[1]

Probably my favourite Wincestiel that I’ve come across. Cas asks both the boys on a date. Sam and Dean are… not entirely sure how this is supposed to work. There’s fluff, there’s some awkwardness, there’s sex. And a lot of the three of them being cute and going on dates.[2]

So I read this very recently. I’m reccing it mostly for the first two-thirds of the fic, because there’s a delightful romcom aspect to it. They go on dates together, there’s a lot of Dean denial about his feelings towards Cas (and later Sam) and it’s really sweet. Eventually everyone sort of gets on board with the relationship though and it becomes very porny by the end, including a fair chunk of wincest porn (WHich is…really not my thing aha h aa) BUT there’s a big focus on the relationship!! So you might want to check it out[3]

I have dipped my toe into the Supernatural fanfic fandom with this lovely piece of work and all I can say is the bar is set so effing high, you guys. This is such a wonderfully written story.[4]

This was beautifully written, probably one of the most in-character fics I've ever read and just--exactly what I've been looking for in a Supernatural fic~ You really nailed the characters and their relationships, and I love that you mixed a little humor in with all the feels but still kept everything flowing so perfectly. And also lots of deliciously well done smut, which is always a good thing in my book. I don't comment often, but I wanted to say, really, really good job on this![5]

Dayam, that was hot! And seriously impressive. The way you worked them through their various issues, which were very true to each character, was masterful. I love how Cas masterminded the whole thing, knowing what he wanted and insisting on getting his way - because he knew it was the only way they could all be happy. I don't normally ship Wincest, I'm a Destiel fangirl, but this fic has to be one of the best arguments for it, and for Wincestiel, that I've ever come across.[5]
