These Castle Walls Bleed Lies

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Title: These Castle Walls Bleed Lies
Author(s): marguerite_26
Date(s): 31 January 2011
Length: 12,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Merlin
External Links: These Castle Walls Bleed Lies (LiveJournal)
These Castle Walls Bleed Lies (AO3)
Illustration by stellamoon

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These Castle Walls Bleed Lies is a Merlin/Arthur story by marguerite_26 (12,000 words). The story is charity fic written for accioslash and the gift art was contributed by stellamoon.[1]

Summary: With his father unfit to rule and Camelot decimated, Arthur must assume the role of King. But the truths he discovers shake the foundation of all he holds dear.

Recs and Reviews

It's a compelling story with a very in-character Arthur. It's in his POV, and my heart just broke for him as the lies from everyone around him began to crumble. There are truly stunning moments -- one in particular had me actually gasping at the screen. My heart was beating faster, literally! The various confrontations that have to happen are enormously satisfying. Gaius and Uther and Merlin are particularly well done, but it's Arthur who shines in this fic. His need to serve the people of Camelot is palpable, and his frustration when he realizes not is all as he believed is devastating. This takes place very soon after the end of S3 and marguerite_26 utilizes so much of what we learned in those last two episodes. Treat yourself to this gorgeous post S3 canon fic!"[2]

Watching Arthur come into his own as the mantle of leadership is thrust upon him always makes for a good read, but marguerite_26's story is one of the best at it. She takes all the threads left at the end of the third series and weaves them into an amazing, gorgeous story."[3]

My absolute favourite Merlin fic is “ These Castle Walls Bleed Lies” by marguerite_26. It occurs post series 3, when Arthur has just become King and his hold on Camelot is still tenuous.It’s hard to describe this fic without gushing…. except to say that apart from all the usual good stuff, Arthur displays stunning vulnerability and still manages to handle himself with so much soft strength and nobility.

It’s well written enough to be head canon material. I’ve certainly accepted it as such.

If I were to give details on the fic itself, I’d say that the author brilliantly captured the essence of each characters’ personality as well as the dynamic of their relationships.

Merthur! Of course but not smutty. It gets sexy at one point but only briefly. It’s that good even without it. If you haven’t yet, give it a read[4]

INSTANT REC!!! I loved the character voices, the plot, and I loved the ending.[5]


  1. ^ stellamoon. Merlin/Arthur Rec..........Gift for accioslash, 31 January 2011 (Accessed 12 February 2011)
  2. ^ ella_bane. Insta-Fic-Rec, 31 January 2011. (Accessed 12 February 2011)
  3. ^ angelqueen04. Merlin/Arthur Fic Recs. (Accessed 23 February 2011)
  4. ^ "Post at merthur fic recs". Archived from the original on 2023-03-06.
  5. ^ "Fullmetal Alchemist, Supernatural, SGA, Harry Potter, Merlin, Inception, and Farscape Vid Recs". Archived from the original on 2023-03-06.