Tomorrow (there'll be more of us)

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Title: Tomorrow (there'll be more of us)
Author(s): dimircharmer
Date(s): 2016
Length: 2839
Genre(s): Poly
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Force Awakens
External Links: Ao3 Link

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Tomorrow (there'll be more of us) is a Star Wars sequel trilogy story written by dimircharmer.

“FN-2187 was real, right?” She sounds very young again. “Please tell me he was real."
"I'm real,” said Finn, who was on his first patrol since his back healed. “And my name’s Finn now.”
Her eyes widened. “You have a name?
Or: The resistance is starting to get stormtrooper defectors. Finn helps them out.

This fic was posted only six days after LullabyKnell's The Story of Finn, which dimircharmer cited as an inspiration for their work. It built on LullabyKnell's headcanon of Stormtroopers taking names, with often humourous consequences. This fic also added to the Stormtrooper defection trope by including Stormtrooper cadets aka children; an addition that was included in later works.

Within a week of posting, and with the permission of dimircharmer, Miz636 wrote a sequel to this fic; One Was All It Took. Tomorrow (there'll be more of us) went on to inspire many other works featuring Finn's story as the impetus for Stormtrooper defections and an eventual revolution.

Tomorrow (there'll be more of us) also pairs Finn/Poe/Rey and is an early example of a fic portraying the trio taking Poe's surname. Inspired by this tumblr post, the trio took the surname Dameron-Skywalker in this fic.

Reactions and Reviews

An excellent take on the “Finn inspires a Stormtrooper rebellion” trope. It’s cute and short and features an excellent and snarky Leia as well as a somewhat baffled Finn.[1]

oh god, the smile on my face! The Resistance gets some stormtrooper defectors from out of nowhere & they all have varying knowledge/mythology about Finn. Each time one of them was introduced, I felt like I would gladly read another story involving them, so charming were they. It’s a short fic at around 2k, but each time a new set of troopers show up, it made me feel so good, just thinking about Finn surviving & inspiring all these other people. To see him coming into his own & helping them, it was really delightful to read & made me want to read more. [2]

Oh my god. This is amazing and worldbuilding, and I just can't. Finn is what Anakin Skywalker always wanted to be, in a way. (Freeing slaves)[3]

An amazing story about freedom and the power of hope.[4]

Related & Inspired Works


  1. ^ Persian's Recs a tumblr post by perchancetoread
  2. ^ UnknownRecs tumblr post, Feb 2016
  3. ^ Ao3 bookmarker's notes by traitorhero, 7 Jan 2016
  4. ^ "Star Wars Fan Fic Recs - Force Awakens & Rogue One". Archived from the original on 2022-12-27.