Tooth and Claw

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Title: Tooth and Claw
Author(s): calamitycrow
Date(s): 2011
Length: 33,000 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: (defunct)
Art for the story "Tooth and Claw" by calamitycrow (AO3)
Art: Tooth and Claw Cover by sian1359(AO3)
cover art by Mella68

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Tooth and Claw is a Steve/Danny story by calamitycrow. It was posted to LiveJournal in 2011. It was originally written for the 2012 Hawaii Five-0 Big Bang but not posted to the challenge. Mella68 and sian1359 created art inspired by the story.

Summary: Travel brochures advertise that Waikiki is paradise, sun, sand, surf, and since vampires were given legal rights, some of the hottest vampire clubs in the world. What the brochures don't mention is that vampires and tourists don't mix and escalating problems have led the Governor to appoint a special task force to deal with the issue - Hawaii 5-0. Sergeant Chin Ho Kelly, HPD's one man SCU, has been selected to lead the new team. There's an HPD rookie, a mudang who's only partially trained, a vampyre from New Jersey, who's almost newly minted, and a werewolf who was once a Navy Seal. Now they have to figure out how to get along, keep the vampires under control, the vampire clubs open—and deal with anything else paranormal that happens on Oahu.

Recs and Reviews

Characters/Pairing: Steve/Danny, Chin, Kono
Rating: R
Genre: AU, H/C, case-fic
Spoilers: none
Warnings: gore, violence.
Why we love it: This is an entertaining and engaging supernatural AU. The basic characterizations ring true in an entirely different sort of universe. It has the feel of a good paranormal novel so if that is your thing jump on this and give it a try, you wont be disappointed.[1]
