Up in (Blue) Smoke

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Title: Up in (Blue) Smoke
Author(s): Sonia
Date(s): April 1991
Length: 17 pages
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Up in (Blue) Smoke is a Blake's 7 (Avon/Blake, Avon/Blake/Cally, Vila/Jenna, Orac/Zen) story by Sonia.

It was published in Southern Comfort #6.5

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Suck my memory chips, indeed! Actually, the scene with Blake and Avon was getting pretty heavy before Cally walked in. Pity. [1]


ok - this one also starts with some huddling for warmth, because it's 'based' on the same huddling for warmth picture (see above),[2] but in fact this huddling is totally irrelevant to the rest of the plot. it's just a thing that makes avon really pissed off with blake. anyway - they get back to the ship and avon's really acerbic and blake's like 'look avon, let's wrestle in the gym in tiny shorts and i think that will help us get past this tension'. (he did not tell avon this was why avon should meet him in teh gym, but he did tell avon to bring his shorts... so you don't have to be a [computer] genius to figure it's something avon doesn't want to do - avon in shorts? too funny.)

anyway - orac and zen (who are written out of character... on purpose, i think because the others aren't - although avon does call blake a 'bloody dork' TWICE, and both of times it's fucking weird) release some sexy gas (orac made them do it! twice in one zine. get in) while the wrestling is going on...

avon had previously been really angry with blake and not in a sexy way. sigh. it seems he really does just not like blake :( but anyway... then there's sexy gas and blake is like... what if i distracted him from the wrestling with sex? now, obviously i like them to like each other (and it's clear that it is all down to the gas and this would not happen otherwise) and obviously i do find it difficult to take either of them seriously now i know they're wearing shorts for this scene, but it is quite sexy.

and meanwhile jenna and vila also have sex because of the gas. i have not much to say about this because blake and avon are shagging in another room... so let's get back to that.

cally wanders into the gym and is really pleased the humans are discarding their prissiness about sex, and decides to just join in. the sex is both amusing described (cally's 'femine charms jiggle excitingly'... oh dear. and surely the following is about as unsexy as it is possible for anything to be: 'blake spewing his wad into avon, who in turn sent his cum into cally') and... quite hot.

sadly, gan (who is still alive!) is off in another room and doesn't get to join in :( the narrative says he does get to in the future, though.

still seems a shame.

anyway - then they figure out what's happened with the gas, and avon is like 'what a good idea! let's just keep dosing everyone with sex gas - both on the liberator and on all the rebel worlds' and... they defeat the federation with sex! which is an ok plan (coincidentally it's also the plot of one of the two porn films i have ever watched, 'jane bomb') - and essentially what blake would want... but... the way that it is described makes me feel a bit sad for him.

Liberator and Blake never did get around to finding Star One. Blake found a new obsession to occupy his time and to which he dedicated his life: the pursuit of pleasure... Avon affixed a timing device to the outflow valve of the [sex gas] container so that a suitable quantity of the gas would be released into the ship's atmosphere every time Blake suggested a new mission.
i know this is only a crack sex fic and so it doesn't really matter... but i don't like drugging blake into obedience.[3]


  1. ^ from "Southern Comfort" #7.5
  2. ^ See the original review.
  3. ^ comments by Aralias at Dreamwidth, posted July 13, 2013; reference link