Vicchan 2.0

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Title: Vicchan 2.0
Author(s): KasumiChou
Date(s): May 2017
Length: 895 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Yuri!!! on Ice
External Links: AO3, Tumblr

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Cover art by viktuurificwriters

Vicchan 2.0 is a domestic Victor/Yuuri fic written by KasumiChou.

It was written in response to the prompt: "The year is 2020, they've been married for like 3 years, they've adopted a dog on every holiday/celebration they've been able to. And then Yuuri brings home a cat".[1]

The fic is listed in the Viktuuri Fanfiction Library, a sub-project by the Tumblr blog viktuurificwriters. Each fic in the library is recommended by a reader and given an accompanying cover art.

Reactions and Reviews

All I can say is that it’s short, sweet, filled with some cute moments with new babies (aka puppies and kitties) and Victor being in denial of loving cats. It’s a feel good fanfic for one of those days when you want something cute and uplifting. Bonus points for keeping Makkachin alive.[2]


  1. ^ Tumblr prompt by dokurochrome
  2. ^ "Rec by sumi-ink-ninja". Archived from the original on 2017-11-11. on viktuurificwriters, posted on July 22, 2017