Volition Unbound

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Title: Volition Unbound
Author(s): Rachel Anton
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: online here

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Volition Unbound is an X-Files story by Rachel Anton.

Author's Notes

"Content Warning: This story has a slight bit of a Scully/other warning. It's not much but it's an important part of the story.

Spoilers: Never Again, general feeling of season 5

Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully do not belong to me. They are the intellectual property of Chris Carter, Fox, David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson

Summary: The return of a man from Scully's past forces her to make some descisions. [sic]

Archive: Okay anywhere as long as my name is attatched. [sic]"

Reactions and Reviews

"Volition Unbound" by Rachel Anton [was the first fanfic I ever read], Nearly one year ago, exactly... *sigh*

I just about fell out of my seat, going, "Ohmygod, Mulder and Scully HAVING SEX!"

And I was never the same again... <eg> [1]
