When All of New York City Misses You

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Title: When All of New York City Misses You
Author(s): leupagus & sutlers
Date(s): 13 December 2010
Length: 15,492 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): Hawaii Five-0
External Links: When All of New York City Misses You (AO3)
When All of New York City Misses You (Dreamwidth)

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When All of New York City Misses You is a Steve/Danny story by leupagus & sutlers.

Summary: Steve looks thin—like he looked when they first met, actually, fresh off the plane and jet-lagged, before seventeen months of sneaking Danny’s malasadas had taken the the edge off of all his sharp angles. There’s a ratty duffel lying at his feet and a wicked-looking scar curves over his left bicep, disappearing under the sleeve of his t-shirt, skin still pink and new.

Recs and Reviews

Why we love it: This fic, which was written midway through the first season of the show, explores what might have happened if Steve re-enlisted in the military to continue chasing Victor Hesse. His attempts to protect everyone make his own life much more difficult and strain his new relationship with Danny. This fic makes your heart bleed for both Steve and Danny and is a very well written take on what could have happened. This is one of our favorite long fic.[1]

I’m not sure if there is a genre for the kind of story When All of New York City Misses You by lepagus and sutlers is. It’s not slow build because there’s sex in the first part of it, nor is it friends to lovers because the romantic relationship is also there as well. Maybe it’s relationship build because at the beginning Steve and Danno are kind of a hot mess but by the end I was pretty much cooing over them. This is the story, jossed by S2 I’m pretty sure, of boy meets boy and they know they have something but life gets in the way. It’s the story of how if you keep trying, eventually you’ll get it right. This is also, ostensibly, the story of how Steve McGarrett is a stubborn idiot and Danno will always be the one that gets shot because of this.[2]

This is without a doubt my favorite story in this fandom. I can't tell you how many times I've read it and each time it grabs me and won't let go. It also answers a question I've had since the Pilot aired: What happens if Steve, who has transferred from the Navy to the Reserves in order to head the Governor's task force, gets reactivated? Well, he leaves Danny something to remember him by and disappears for a year and a half, returning briefly now and again to unwind or hide and have sex with Danny. Danny, in the meantime, gets promoted to Captain, moves into Steve's house, makes the new teammate cry and wonders why everyone assumes that he and Steve are married. This story is funny, has great characterization and a terrific portrayal of Rachel.[3]

Steve gets all self-sacrificing, and the team goes into action. Fabulous.[4]

NC-17. Everything I want to gush about would spoil the plot afk;flkja. So I shall leave you with this: The first kiss is tentative, soft; Danny can taste sea salt in the corners of Steve's mouth when he swipes his tongue across it. Steve's hand tightens on Danny's arm and Danny hisses, "Fuck this, you have got to be shitting me," hooking his free hand around Steve's neck and mashing their mouths together.[5]

Steve's logic in this one? Totally from Mars. So, y'know, completely in character. Long and satisfying team fic that I don't want to spoil, but everybody is so good: competent and stubborn and determined to fix the hole in their lives.[6]


  1. ^ shinysylver in: h50-rec-room. Themed Thursday (5/12/10) - Long!Fic. (Accessed 16 May 2016)
  2. ^ its-2-am. I wish I had a way of visually representing the H50 theme song here, 26 January 2015. (Accessed 01 June 2016)
  3. ^ iamrosalita in: crack_van. When All of New York City Misses You (Explicit), 05 July 2011. (Accessed 08 June 2016)
  4. ^ lamardeuse. Recs, recs, recs!, 21 December 2010. (Accessed 09 June 2016)
  5. ^ reeface. Operation: H50 Recs, 2011. (Accessed 10 June 2016)
  6. ^ topaz119. h5-0 things that made me happy, 19 December 2010. (Accessed 13 June 2016)