While You Were Sleeping

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Title: While You Were Sleeping
Author(s): Linda Cornett
Date(s): 2003
Fandom(s): Man from U.N.C.L.E.
External Links: online here

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While You Were Sleepingis a Man from U.N.C.L.E. story by Linda Cornett.

It was published in the zine Clandestine Affairs #2 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

... a witty and enormously entertaining story that finds Solo and Kuryakin in a tropical locale, sharing one tacky room and one cramped bed. Angelique happens by and when she glimpses Illya lying naked and asleep on the bed, she decides to make some mischief.

Over dinner and during a walk on the beach afterward, the Thrushwoman stimulates Solo’s libido while planting the seeds for some wicked fantasies involving his partner. Recognizing his “marvelous appetite” and his sexual adventurism, she coyly wonders aloud why Solo doesn’t vary his diet now and then. After all, man does not live by steak alone...

So, how hot is it in fictional Santa Ana? It’s so hot that ... well, see for yourself...[1]

I've always been fond of this story. Actually, I don't think Linda has ever written a bad one.[2]

I hadn't known about the addition. I guess I'm not into sublety...or perhaps not that much because I prefer the expanded version. For me, it's made a lovely story memorable.[3]

You're not alone, obviously.

But see, for me, the original version was interesting because at the end point, it could have gone several ways. That left it up to the imagination of the individual reader. There could be multiple interpretations and multiple scenarios and I kinda liked that.

Now, with the addition, there's only one.

I also like stories that can't be easily classified and walk the line between different genres.[4]

I had the great pleasure of beta-reading the original (talk about a light edit - the pleasure of the read outweighed a thousandfold the tiny amount of "work" involved) and I don't think I ever read the later, longer version. I adored the way the original ended, with that tantalizing scene. Maybe I should go read the extended one ... I can't imagine it being bad, even if I prefer the other. :)[5]

Well, that makes about the 5th time I've read that, and it never gets old. I think I actually like Angelique in this....well, her imagination, anyway. *G*[6]

It is one of my favorites, by a superb author, Linda Cornett.

This is a bit contrary to my normally gen preferences, but it is such an outstanding piece, and written by one of the authors who first captured my attention in the fan fiction genre. You must read this, even if it's not the first time. A weary pair of agents decide on different paths to ease their pain: Illya decides on sleep and Napoleon has a date with Angelique. You might think you can imagine what comes next, but the story develops with a panache and delicate hand, weaving hidden desires and untold fantasies into one of the most stylist stories I've ever encountered.

I can't do it justice by sneaking in anything here. You'll have to trust me on this one.[7]


  1. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  2. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  3. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  5. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  6. ^ a 2006 comment at Crack Van
  7. ^ a 2011 comment at Crack Van