Window of the Endless Night

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Title: Window of the Endless Night
Author(s): Teresa Smith
Date(s): 1996? 1997?
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
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Window of the Endless Night is a gen 66-page Starsky and Hutch pass-around novel by Teresa Smith.


The story deals with Hutch being turned into a vampire and he and Starsky struggling to take down the other vampires and find a way to return Hutch to human.

From the Zine

This story comes from my love of vampire stories and is purely fictional and any similarities to any person, place, or thing is strictly coincidental and not intended.

I dedicate this story to all Starsky and Hutch fans. All of the faithful who keep them alive because they were touched by the love and respect these two men shared. Thanks David and Paul for giving us such pleasure!


The last paragraphs:

"Thanks, Starsk, you have done so much for me these past few months. I know I'd never made it without you by my side. I just can't find the words to tell you what it's meant to me." He swung his long legs over the side of the bed and reached over and opened the drawer in the night stand. He took out a small black box. "I got something for ya. I was going to wait and give it to you at just the right moment after I had taken ya to dinner but it feels right to give it to you now."

Starsky opened his hand as Hutch placed the box in his palm. "Aw, Hutch, ya didn't have to go and get me something."

"No, I didn't have to but I wanted to....Starsk it comes from my heart." Starsky opened the box and inside was a ring. Hutch spoke, "Read the inscription."

Starsky removed the ring and held it up to the light. There were three words engraved inside the ring Me & Thee. Starsky's eyes filled with tears. "Hutch, it's great, thank you!"

Hutch smiled and said, "There's one more little surprise. Let me show you." He took the ring from Starsky and twisted it as it came apart in his hands. Hutch took the ring that said Me on it and gave it to Starsky then he put the part that said Thee on his own finger. After Starsky had slipped his part on his finger Hutch said, "Starsk as long as you and I wear these rings we will be partners. It will be our secret code that if the other ever removes his ring then it can only mean two things one, that we are no longer partners or two, that one of us is in trouble and needs help."

Starsky was so choked up that he had a hard time talking but he managed to say to Hutch, "I plan on wearing this ring to my grave, partner!

Hutch looked up at his best friend who had stood by him through the worst ordeal of his life and never lost his faith in their friendship. With eyes frill of love and respect, he reached over and took his partner's hand. He looked at the intertwined hands with matching friendship rings and answered, "Me too, partner!"