With Apples

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Title: With Apples
Author(s): regala_electra
Date(s): November 20, 2007
Length: ~1,970 words
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Supernatural
External Links: online here

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With Apples is a Supernatural het story written by regala_electra that focus on the Dean/OFC pairing.

The story was included on the sawedoff recs LJ community's final recommendation post.

Summary: "There’s water beading down the soft round of her belly. He could read it all across her skin, seeking comfort he knows he doesn’t really deserve."

Author's notes:"Title taken from Song of Solomon: Comfort me with apples for I am sick of love....I love the idea of Dean thinking that it's all he deserves: this temporary fleeting moment of connection and that he has to convince himself that he doesn't mind it. That he yearns for real things and that family is what keeps him going, that losing Sam is like losing a part of himself, damn, that's some heavy stuff, so beyond just going there with the porn, I really wanted to write a story about how he'd act, right after Sam took off..."

Fandom Reactions

"This is wonderful. I love the insight into Dean too, everything that's going on below the surface and the way he takes comfort wherever he can because he thinks it's all he can have. It's incredibly hot and gorgeous and achy all at once."[1]

"Angsty, sexy, hot and melancholy –- this fic stirs up a whirl of emotions that keep riding high until the reader falls with Dean. Beautiful."[2]

"wow! the hotness is amazing! utterly bone-meltingly hot! dean's urgency (maybe even desperation?) adds to the tension in the all the best ways. and the confession of sam's name feels like his release. it all gets mixed up in the sexy angst or angsty sex. regardless, hot. loved the idea that he was looking for a blusher, so he could read her body. it feels like a thing that dean would know to do. he doesn't know much about words or emotions, but he can read body language, and he understands need. which also? hot!"[3]

"GAH. Incredibly hot, and just, the Dean!pain, off the scale. His voice, so self-loathing and deprecating while being matter of fact. His loathing for himself here isn't fire, it's resigned, a lifetimes worth. Beautiful voice."[4]

"Well, for one, it's scorchingly HOT. But like with all the best porn, there's so much more: it unfolds the bag of issues that is Dean Winchester, packing a punch that will leave you aching."[5]


  1. ^ comment on page 1 of the announcement post dated November 23, 2007; WebCite; Archive.is link.
  2. ^ 149: Saturday Kink: Oral Sex post on sawedoff-recs dated Dec 5, 2009;WebCite.
  3. ^ comment on page 1 of the announcement post dated November 23, 2007; WebCite; Archive.is link.
  4. ^ comment on page 2 of the announcement post dated Dec 6, 2007; WebCite; Archive.is link.
  5. ^ sawedoff recs LJ community's final recommendation post in 2011.