A Place To Lie Down

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Title: A Place To Lie Down
Author(s): Ellen Fremedon
Date(s): 25 February 2013
Length: 10138 words
Genre(s): Sex Pollen
Fandom(s): Les Misérables
External Links: on AO3

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A Place To Lie Down is a Les Misérables fanfiction by Ellen Fremedon. It was inspired by a prompt on the Making Hugo Spin kink meme:

Enjolras/Amis [+ Marius]

Sex pollen fic!

Enjolras, snowed under with work and preparation for the revolution, gives in and buys a pill from a street vendor/science student/whatever that purports to rid you of the need for sleep. It works, but not without side effects.

Cue a desperate yet embarrassed Enjolras trying to explain his situation to the rest of the Amis and them figuring out how to solve the issue. And then everybody takes turns to fuck him \o/

Bonus points for an overwhelmed and hating-that-he-loves-this Enjolras crying whilst one of them is fucking him (Courfeyrac, maybe?) and Grantaire going last and quietly asking a broken, fucked-out Enjolras for permission. [1]

It was originally posted anonymously to the kink meme in parts and later uploaded to AO3 after being betaed.

There is a sequel focused on the aftermath: To Make the Right Peacefully Interpenetrate the True.

Author's Summary

"A purgation," Enjolras said. "You make it sound so respectably medical."

Reactions and Reviews

ohh man oh man oh man. most unexpectedly amazing fic. gosshhh. i like that a) it really was about their friendship and an amazing amount of mutual respect and concern and honesty, and the vulnerability that they all exchange doesn't actually change anything but reinforces what was already there, b) this is literally the first sex pollen fic i've read in any fandom where i felt 100% super on board with the consent issue- they all make sure to reaffirm what Enjolras wants but i ALSO loved that he has the chance to ask each of them himself, gosshhhh, and c) oh, grantaire. devastatingly gorgeous. so good. SO GOOD.[2]

Um. Wow.

Okay, trying for coherence! I love that this is ten thousand words of sex pollen gangbang orgy -- and it's ten thousand words of exquisitely nuanced characterization, and of mutual love and friendship and respect, and consent above all, consent explicitly reaffirmed for every single relationship and act. Everyone's sexual orientations (or lack thereof) aren't elided -- they vary, and they matter -- but loyalty and fellowship trump, for and among all of them. This is gorgeous.

And, you know. Really hot.[3]

I...am not sure whether this counts as canon-compliant because sex pollen, but it could fit so I am leaving this here. Enjolras gets dosed, and Les Amis takes care of him. Group dynamics, guys, I am so in love with them.[4]

This is the first fic I thought of for this theme, I love it because it is incredibly well written, hot, but also rings incredibly *true* to all the characters for, you know, a Les Misérables sex pollen gangbang fic taking place during the July revolution.[5]
