a day on rodeo drive

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Title: a day on rodeo drive
Creator(s): Jam7, aka cutie-dakota
Date(s): 24 February 2014
Length: 13 Songs
Theme: Rodeo Drive, a street in Beverly Hills, California
Fandom: Total Drama
External Links: Advertisement for a day on rodeo drive // a lindkota fanmix, Archived version on Tumblr
a day on rodeo drive, Archived version on 8tracks
Cover for A day on rodeo drive

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a day on rodeo drive is a Dakota/Lindsay fanmix for the Total Drama fandom.

A Lindkota fanmix! Lindsay and Dakota are both young blonde shopaholics with an eye for fashion. They would probably have a blast shopping all day together on Rodeo Drive and other famous shopping districts, and then spend all night partying. So I like to think of this fanmix as the soundtrack to one of those days, which means it's full of upbeat pop and dance music. Two cute girlfriends enjoying themselves; what could be funner than that? c:

caption of the fanmix's advertisement on Tumblr, by cutie-dakota

An unofficial port of this playlist to YouTube made by an editor of this article is also available here.[Notes 1]



  1. ^ Songs featured in this playlist may be the wrong version of the songs/incorrect.