Abah Series

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Title: Abah Series
Author(s): Susan Proto
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Abah Series is an X-Files MSR story by Susan Proto.

Reactions and Reviews

I think my very favorite type of story is the one where Mulder gets hurt/sick/totally messed up and Scully takes care of him. This is the ULTIMATE MulderTorture/MulderRecovery series. Mulder gets menengitis, which leaves him nearly deaf and crippled. Scully, Maggie, and Skinner take care of him. Mulder finds the father figure he's been missing in Skinner and learns to live happily with his disability. Great, very human characterization and some MSR, too.[1]

Up front, I will admit that the "Abah" series, by Susan Proto, might be a little mushy for some readers. But if you think a solid friendship is even more beautiful than an undying love, read this one. Mulder comes down with a dangerous form of menengitis and in his sickened delirium, he calls for "Abah." Skinner and Scully are there for him. This story features Skinner in a light I want to see him in, but only in fan fic. The first part is excellent writing, and it can stand alone. Each chapter gets proceedingly sentimental, but after all the angst this Summer, I welcomed the gushiness.[2]
